PTA news and events. Events should also be added to the calendar.

On Friday 4th October, the PTA organised a coffee morning and cake sale with the proceeds going to the McMillan Cancer Support charity. Thank you for your generosity – an amazing £219 was raised.

On Friday 15th December, the PTA held a Christmas Fair. There were many stalls, including a raffle and a tombola and a very special visit from Father Christmas. Thank you to all those in the planning, organising, helping out and clearing away and to everyone for attending. A tremendous £380 was raised.

On Friday 29th September, the school hosted a coffee morning and after school cake sale in aid of McMillan Cancer Support. Thank you to the PTA who organised and ran this event; to those who supplied delicious cakes and those who came to the coffee morning and bought cakes after school. An amazing £190 was […]

On Friday 25th March the PTA kindly arranged a disco for the school children. Lots of fun was had by all and there were some great dance moves performed! Thank you to all those who helped organise and supervise the event and made it such a success.

On Tuesday, 20th April, we took delivery of 6 duck eggs. They were popped into an incubator and throughout the course of the week, 6 ducklings hatched. The children have been fascinated by these arrivals and have been following their progress. One has been called Queenie as ‘she’ arrived on the queens birthday and another […]

Children in the school were invited to take part in ‘designing an egg’ competition which was organised by the PTA. There were many entries and Mrs Allum and Miss Jones were tasked with the very difficult task of choosing a winner from each year group. Well done to all the children who entered the competition […]

On Friday 9th February, the PTA organised a Valentine disco. Over 70 children were entertained by the DJ, who kept the children busy with dancing games. There were also ‘quieter’ activities which included decorating heart-shaped biscuits. Thank you to the PTA who organised the disco and supervised the activities and the parents and children who […]

Saturday evening saw the 4th annual firework event at the school. The grounds were busy with people enjoying burgers, hog roast, mulled wine and other delicious items before watching the spectacular firework display and lighting of the bonfire. All the many months of hard work and preparation had paid off with many people commenting on […]

Saturday evening saw us open the school grounds for the annual fireworks event. Hog roast, hot dogs and warm drinks were enjoyed by a record number of people before a spectacular fireworks display lit up the night sky. A huge thank you and well done to the Stratford St Mary Fireworks Committee who organised the event, […]

The PTA had organised six weeks of Christmas Crafts, which included a visit to Hall Farm to see Father Christmas, making cards, snowmen place mats, Christmas Tree decorations and candles. The ‘Messy Church’ also ran a session making lots of different Christmas Crafts. The session finale saw the children decorating their own chocolate logs which included […]