
Anti Bullying Week: Pledges, Slogans and a UNIQUE Display.

by | 11 Nov 2017 | Curriculum, Kingfishers, Owls, School Events, Swans, Woodpeckers

For Anti-Bullying week we started the day with an assembly looking at the question: “Is this bullying?” the children were presented with different scenarios in which they needed to decide if it should be called bullying or not. We learnt that bullying can be words or actions to deliberately upset or hurt somebody else and it happens repeatedly over […]

Bikeability Success

by | 11 Nov 2017 | Achievements, Swans

On Monday and Tuesday, 12 of our Year 5 children took part in Bikeability training sessions. They learnt (amongst other things) how to check their own bikes to ensure they were road-worthy, how to start and stop safely as well as perform some manoeuvres on the road. All the children concentrated and listened really well […]

Woodbridge School Poetry Event

by | 11 Nov 2017 | English, Owls, Swans

As a result of poetry work they had submitted to a competition last year, the Year 4 and 5 children were invited to attend an interactive poetry reading at Woodbridge School. We listened to two published poets, John and Emily, reading work that they and others had written in an anthology themed around Space. There […]

Poetry Success

by | 10 Oct 2017 | Achievements, English, Swans

Several poems from Key Stage 2 were submitted to the Suffolk Young Poets Competition. One of our Year 5’s was successful in being commended for her poem and attended an awards ceremony and workshop. Well done!  

Table Tennis

by | 10 Oct 2017 | PE, Swans

8 children from the Swans class recently took part in a table tennis tournament.  The 4 boys and 4 girls, competed against other schools at St. Joseph’s College in Ipswich.  Everyone played really well with the girls making the semi-finals. Well done to all involved.  

Swans Visit the Coast

by | 10 Oct 2017 | Geography, Swans, Visits

As part of their geography topic on Coasts, Swans class visited Walton on the Naze. They had a visit to the Naze tower where Michelle our tour guide explained how the building was originally a lighthouse and an important building during World War 2. She explained about coastal erosion around the area and how there is […]

Swans Residential Trip to PGL

by | 7 Jul 2017 | Swans, Trips

On Monday 10th July, Mr Bassett and Mrs Bilner accompanied 19 Swans to PGL –  Caythorpe Court in Lincolnshire for their 4 night, 5 day residential trip. After setting off at 9.15am, we stopped at Hinchingbrook Country Park in Huntingdon for our picnic lunch and a run around before carrying on to PGL.  After arriving, […]

Swans Assembly

by | 1 Jan 2017 | Classes, Curriculum, Parents, School Events, Swans

Friday 20th January saw the first class assembly of 2017.  Swans class shared some of their work and this included their Vex models, newspaper articles on Howard Carter and Ancient Egypt, homework which was based on the Rock n Roll pantomime, their thoughts and experiences from the Young Voices choir event at the O2  and also […]

Young Voices at the 02

by | 1 Jan 2017 | Achievements, Classes, Extracurricular, Owls, Swans, Trips

On Thursday, Mrs Marshall and Mrs Bilner (and several parents) accompanied 17 children to the O2 in London.  Since September, these children had been learning several songs; the finale of which was joining 7,500 other school children in a massive choir concert. The show was spectacular and the children were amazingly (but not surprisingly) well […]

Parking Patrol

by | 1 Jan 2017 | Community, JRSO, Parents, Swans

On Wednesday 18th January the JRSO’s and Denise the Community Police Officer observed the parking outside the school gates at the end of the school day. The JRSO’s were making sure drivers had parked safely and correctly. With support from Denise,  the JRSO’s looked at the cars individually and made a decision on which ticket the driver […]

Vex Club

by | 1 Jan 2017 | Computing, Extracurricular, Swans

On Wednesday evening a group of Swans started a Vex club. Over the next few weeks, they will build a Vex ‘model’ which can then be programmed to perform different tasks. We hope in the future to compete with other schools in a Vex robot competition. We will keep you updated on the progress.