
Internet Safety Day

by | 2 Feb 2018 | Kingfishers, Owls, Swans, Woodpeckers

In school, we are always talking about how to stay safe on-line. However, we believe, from time to time, it is important to come together to discuss this in more detail.  Internet Safety Day was on Tuesday 6th February and this week, all the children came together for an internet safety assembly before participating in […]

Games Club

by | 2 Feb 2018 | Extracurricular, Kingfishers, Woodpeckers

This half term some of the children from Kingfishers and Woodpeckers Class joined Miss Jones for a games club after school. The children enjoyed playing a range of different games including Bingo, Pop Up Pirate, Uno and Top Trumps. The children were able to take turns. use their mathematical knowledge and developed their communication skills. The children enjoyed […]

Woodpeckers Share Their Creative Skills With Their Parents!

by | 2 Feb 2018 | Art & Design, Woodpeckers

Friday 2nd February  was the turn of The Woodpeckers to share their work during their sharing afternoon. The children have been learning about portraits in Art and have learnt how to draw a self-portrait as well as portraits of other people. The children were keen to pass on the skills they had developed and decided they wanted […]

Woodpeckers Enjoy ‘Junk Modelling’ The Great Wall of China.

by | 2 Feb 2018 | Art & Design, Geography, Woodpeckers

This term The Woodpeckers have been learning about China. They have sampled Chinese chocolate and learnt facts about Beijing. They did lots of learning based on The Great Wall of China and brought in junk modelling materials to build their own wall! The children had lots of fun working as a team to build their […]

Gingerbread Houses

by | 12 Dec 2017 | Achievements, Woodpeckers

  On Friday the Woodpeckers reached their first target of 25 class points. Class points are given when the whole class has done something good or worked well as a team. They decided that they wanted to do some cooking as their reward, so today they made ginger bread houses. They used biscuits, icing and […]

A Midwife Crisis

by | 12 Dec 2017 | Kingfishers, Owls, School Events, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Thursday afternoon and evening, the children took to the stage to entertain visitors with their acting, singing and dancing in a whole school performance of ‘A Midwife Crisis’. Well done everyone and thank you to all those involved in planning and preparing for the show.  

The Christmas Story for Advent

by | 12 Dec 2017 | Curriculum, Kingfishers, Religious Education, Trips, Woodpeckers

On Tuesday the children in Kingfishers and Woodpeckers class went to the Discovery Centre at St Edmundsbury Cathedral to learn about the Christmas story for advent. The children were told the story through reflective storytelling and created their own cardboard advent candle. The children were split in to groups to explore the cathedral and to find the different parts of […]

Walk To School

by | 11 Nov 2017 | Community, Environment, Kingfishers, Owls, Parents, Swans, Woodpeckers

As part of Road Safety Week the children have been encouraged to walk to school. The teachers provided a ‘Walking Bus’ from each end of Strickmere so as many children as possible could walk to school. Walking to school keeps us healthy and it helps protect the environment. Thank you to all the children and […]

Woodpeckers’ Class Assembly

by | 11 Nov 2017 | Woodpeckers

Today was the turn of The Woodpeckers to share their work in a class assembly. They sang a 3 times table song to the tune of Uptown Funk and shared lots of facts about the different continents. Some children read their ‘recipe for friendship’ instructions which explained how to make the perfect friend. The children acted […]

Brightness Day

by | 11 Nov 2017 | JRSO, Kingfishers, Owls, School Events, Swans, Woodpeckers

The children put on their brightest clothes for Brightness Day. The children donated £1 for the Brake road safety charity. Thank you very much for your donations, we raised £75. In the assembly the JRSOs awarded certificates and prizes to the brightest dressed child in each class and to the brightest dressed teacher. They also […]

Leaf Confetti

by | 11 Nov 2017 | Art & Design, Extracurricular, Kingfishers, Woodpeckers

In craft club the children collected leaves to make leaf confetti. The children ripped the leaves in to small pieces to create the confetti. The children used their confetti to create the hedgehog’s spikes.  

Anti Bullying Week: Pledges, Slogans and a UNIQUE Display.

by | 11 Nov 2017 | Curriculum, Kingfishers, Owls, School Events, Swans, Woodpeckers

For Anti-Bullying week we started the day with an assembly looking at the question: “Is this bullying?” the children were presented with different scenarios in which they needed to decide if it should be called bullying or not. We learnt that bullying can be words or actions to deliberately upset or hurt somebody else and it happens repeatedly over […]