
News or posts involving the wider community. e.g open days, engagement with other groups etc

Elmer Returns

by | 11 Nov 2019 | Community, News

Our Elmer ‘Swanning around in Constable Country’ has been returned to us after his stay in Christchurch Mansion. Elmer’s new home is in the school library. It’s great to have Elmer back and for him to be part of our school again.

The Sun Free Books For School

by | 11 Nov 2019 | Community, Fundraising, Parents

The Sun is offering primary schools the chance to claim a set of free Collins Big Cat books worth over £600. We have registered our school to take part and we need your help to claim this great offer. We need to collect 3,500 tokens which will be printed in The Sun every day from […]

Library Visits

by | 11 Nov 2019 | Community, Facilities, Visitors

The librarians welcomed children from Orchard Barns to the school library. The librarians showed the children around and told them how to use the library. The librarians read the children some stories. Orchard Barns will have the opportunity to visit our library weekly and borrow books to take back to their setting. Thank you for […]

Firework Spectacular

by | 11 Nov 2019 | Community, School Events

Saturday 2nd November saw another spectacular firework event held at our school. It was a wet and blowy day for the preparations, however, the wind and rain stopped just in time for everyone to enjoy food, drinks, live music and an amazing firework display. A massive thank you to all who were involved in preparations […]

National Walk to School Week

by | 5 May 2019 | Community, JRSO

During the week of the 20th of May the children were encouraged to walk to school. The teachers provided walking buses form each end of Strickmere, which meant less cars outside the school gates. Thank you to everyone who participated in walk to school week (even in the rain).  

Owls Shared Learning Session

by | 5 May 2019 | Community, Owls, Parents, Science

On Thursday 16th May, many of the parents of Owls class came in for a shared learning session. In Science, the children have been working on the topic of Sound and had been looking at high and low sounds and how they are made. With the help of their parents, the children had to apply […]

Sunflower Competition

by | 5 May 2019 | Community, Kingfishers, Science

Miss Jones entered Kingfishers Class to take part in Fillpots Schools Sunflower Competition. The children were told they were competing to grow the tallest sunflower. The children helped Miss Walker to plant the seeds. Miss Walker read the children the list of things of how best to grow the sunflowers.The children will be caring for […]

Visit To The Vets

by | 4 Apr 2019 | Community, Kingfishers, Visits

On Tuesday 26th March, Kingfishers Class visited Penrose Vets to consolidate their learning about animals this half term. When we arrived at the vets we met veterinary nurse, Janet. Janet showed us the vets room and talked about what vets do and what animals need. Janet showed the children her pet tortoise called Sheldon. The […]

Goodbye Elmer

by | 4 Apr 2019 | Art & Design, Community, Fundraising, Kingfishers, Owls, School Events, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Monday 25th March, we said goodbye to our finished Elmer as he was returned to the Elmer team ready for photographs to be taken for the trail. We have all enjoyed taking part in the decoration of Elmer and are very pleased with how our Elmer looks. We would like to say a big […]

National Forestry Day

by | 3 Mar 2019 | Community, News, Trips

On Thursday 21st March we celebrated ‘National Forestry Day’ with the children from Orchard Barns. They sent us a letter inviting us to take part in a bug house building competition. The children worked in groups creating a bug home. They collected different materials from the wood area and worked together to build their structure. […]

Books For School

by | 3 Mar 2019 | Community, Kingfishers, Owls, Parents, Swans, Woodpeckers

The children have been enjoying the new books they received from the ‘Books for Schools’ campaign in the Evening Star and East Anglian newspapers. Thank you again for collecting the tokens and supporting us. Please remember we are now collecting the Lego tokens from the newspaper.

World Book Day 2019

by | 3 Mar 2019 | Community, Fundraising, Kingfishers, Owls, Parents, School Events, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Thursday 7th March, we celebrated World Book Day. The children came dressed as a range of book characters or in their favourite ‘Elmer’ colour. They also took part in a range of activities, all linked to books. Our parents were invited to a coffee and cake morning and our young councillors (Junior Road Safety […]