Art & Design
This half term, the children in Woodpeckers class have enjoyed learning about The Stone Age. In Art we have looked at Stone Age cave art, drawings and pottery. This week we made our own Stone Age pots and bowls and used natural objects to help make patterns on them. We used our finger nails, sticks, […]
The children made war time thank you cards for The Shed and invitations to a ‘war time tea’ for the elderly in the village! They use watercolours and aged the card with tea!!
As part of the Owls topic based on the Ancient Egyptians, the children created some portraits. They also used modelling clay to make canopic jars! These were then displayed in our class museum. The children were really proud of their creations.
The children continued being artists and working with textiles. Today the children used different tools and techniques to produce a fabric resist piece of work. The children used textured surfaces to produce effective rubbings. Great work Kingfishers.
This half term the children in Woodpecker class have been learning about The Stone Age. In Art, we have been looking at prehistoric cave art. Stone age cave art consisted mainly of hunter gatherers, bush men and animals. The children used tracing paper to help them draw some outlines of prehistoric animals and hunters for […]
The children continued being artists and working with textiles. The children explored marks and patterns using oil pastels on white strips of fabric. The children applied Brusho over their marked strips. Great artwork Kingfishers.
The Swans have been learning how to use contour lines to create a sense of mass in art. They then applied different tea/coffee mixes over different media such as wax crayons and handwriting pens using a feather!
The Swans have been learning about the artist Henry Moore. They experimented with different media trying to replicate his style. Media such as wax crayons, water soluble pencils, watercolour paint and Hb sketch pencils were used to create the sense of fear and anxiousness the people in the underground tube stations would have felt during […]
The children in Kingfishers Class became artists for the afternoon. The children thought about what art was and the children were asked to investigate weaving materials and processes. The children used red, orange and yellow material linking to the Great Fire of London (warm colours). The children took it in turns to do some weaving […]
Year 2 created our very own magic wands in our woodland area. We decorated a stick using something small, something magical, something given, something special, something pretty and something fragile – all collected from the nature area. It was a spellbinding experience and we all feel a little more connected to the magic of nature!
Our topic this term in Woodpeckers Class is ‘Victorian Transport’. We had the chance to attend an art exhibition on the history of trains, which was set up in the quad. We were able to ask questions about, and give our opinions on famous artwork. We are using the gallery as inspiration for our own […]
This week we have been busy thinking about our ‘Dads’ and Father’s Day. The children have participated in a range of activities. We can’t tell you what we have been doing because it wouldn’t be a surprise!