Art & Design

WW2 Blitz Art

by | 9 Sep 2021 | Art & Design, History, Swans

The Swans have been learning about the artist Henry Moore. They experimented with different media trying to replicate his style. Media such as wax crayons, water soluble pencils, watercolour paint and Hb sketch pencils were used to create the sense of fear and anxiousness the people in the underground tube stations would have felt during […]

Weaving Textiles

by | 9 Sep 2021 | Art & Design, Kingfishers

The children in Kingfishers Class became artists for the afternoon. The children thought about what art was and the children were asked to investigate weaving materials and processes. The children used red, orange and yellow material linking to the Great Fire of London (warm colours). The children took it in turns to do some weaving […]

Woodland Wands

by | 7 Jul 2021 | Art & Design, Science, Woodpeckers

Year 2 created our very own magic wands in our woodland area. We decorated a stick using something small, something magical, something given, something special, something pretty and something fragile – all collected from the nature area. It was a spellbinding experience and we all feel a little more connected to the magic of nature!

A Railway Exhibition!

by | 6 Jun 2021 | Art & Design, News, Woodpeckers

Our topic this term in Woodpeckers Class is ‘Victorian Transport’. We had the chance to attend an art exhibition on the history of trains, which was set up in the quad. We were able to ask questions about, and give our opinions on famous artwork. We are using the gallery as inspiration for our own […]

Father’s Day

by | 6 Jun 2021 | Art & Design, Kingfishers

This week we have been busy thinking about our ‘Dads’ and Father’s Day. The children have participated in a range of activities. We can’t tell you what we have been doing because it wouldn’t be a surprise!

Swans Australian Immersion Day

by | 6 Jun 2021 | Art & Design, Geography, Swans

The Swans have been busy preparing their class display ready for their new geography topic on Australia!    

Art Day in the Owls

by | 5 May 2021 | Art & Design, Owls

On Tuesday 25th May, the Owls had an Art Day, focusing on African printmaking. In the morning, the children used their sketch books to investigate African printmaking designs and develop some of their own. We looked at the common features that could be found in most African print designs (bold colours and shapes, repetitive patterns). […]

Hero Stamp Design Competition

by | 5 May 2021 | Art & Design, Classes

The children were asked to take part in the Royal Mail’s Heroes Stamp Design Competition for their homework. The competition is to honour the heroes of the coronavirus pandemic. The children have been busy creating their stamp designs and we have lots of entries to send off. The children have created some fantastic designs. Fingers […]


by | 5 May 2021 | Art & Design, Environment, Kingfishers

This children went and visited the sensory garden which Miss Bailey is creating on the school field. Miss Bailey told the children she would like them to decorate a stone for the pebble river. The children were asked to think of and draw their design first. The children then got busy decorating their stones using […]

Rock Pools

by | 4 Apr 2021 | Art & Design, Design Technology, Geography, History, Kingfishers

This half term, the children in Kingfishers Class are thinking about the question ‘ Why do we love to be beside the seaside?’ The children have been looking at seaside towns in the UK. They have been learning about the coming of the railways and the history of the seaside holidays. They have learnt about […]

The finished pictures!

by | 3 Mar 2021 | Art & Design, Swans

Swans have now finished their pictures!

Oil Pastel Eyes and Noses

by | 3 Mar 2021 | Art & Design, Geography, Swans

The children spent Thursday afternoon creating the eyes and noses for their animal collages. They used oil pastels and practiced blending techniques to create this stunning work. Further photos to follow!