This term in Science we explored plants and how they are similar to humans! The children worked extremely hard learning lots of new vocabulary and their meaning. We also conducted an experiment which the children observed over time; they placed carnations and lettuce into test tubes and beakers containing different food colouring and watched to […]
Owls’ Science topic this half term is linked to our History topic on the Ancient Greeks. We have been looking at Ancient Greek scientists and the contribution they made to our modern understanding of science. This week, we looked at Hippocrates – “the father of modern medicine”. We watched a video, answered questions and then […]
The Swans have been thinking about how the freezing temperatures affected the people in the water when Titanic sank. They carried out some investigations that compared their fine motor control before and after their hands had been in the very cold water!
The Swans have been thinking about why the Titanic didn’t spot the iceberg until it was too late. We looked at water displacement to measure the volume of the iceberg and the children were able to clearly see how 90% of the iceberg is under the water which is one of the reasons why it […]
The children had a lovely surprise, they received some caterpillars in the post. The children had a good look at the caterpillars, then started their caterpillar diaries! They wrote about the caterpillars and drew a picture. The children will continue to observe the caterpillars over the next few weeks to see what happens!
The children in Kingfishers Class were very excited about digging up the potatoes and seeing how many they got. The children dug through the soil with their hands collecting the potatoes. The children had to look carefully to make sure they hadn’t left any. The children then listened to instructions and were able to clean […]
On Wednesday 17th April, Years 3, 4 and 5 attended the Schools’ Farm and Country Show at Trinity Park in Ipswich. The children were able to take part in lots of different activities looking at all aspects of farming, growing and food production. First we looked at how willow is used to make cricket bats. […]
The children helped to fill the planters with soil and planted the seed potatoes. Some of the children wrote a label for the potatoes that we are growing. The potatoes we are growing are called Shannon and Casablanca. We talked about how the potatoes grow underground in the dark and if we see a shoot […]
Miss Bailey showed the children a bag and asked the children to guess what was inside. They opened it to find potatoes. Miss Bailey read the instructions and the children looked and helped Miss Bailey to place the seed potatoes on the chitting tray. Miss Bailey said they needed to be placed in the sun […]
The Swans have been writing reports about Owls in English this term. To enhance their learning, we have been dissecting owl pellets! There were some interesting discoveries!
The children became bird watchers and went into the Forest Schools area to see what birds they could see and to count how many. They spotted a Bullfinch, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Robin, Wren, Pigeon, Seagull and Blackbird. They completed an RSPB check sheet and the results will be uploaded for the Big Bird watch. […]
The Swans have been learning about Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution by Natural Selection. Using different sized tweezers and tongs and a variety of seeds, they had to work out which finch lived on which island. They learnt that the smaller finches with the small beaks fed on small seeds and the ones with […]