Mrs Marshall

Owls Dodgeball

by | 6 Jun 2024 | House Groups, Owls, PE

On Wednesday 22nd May, Owls class had an inter-house dodgeball tournament. The children played well and very competitively and the Otters were the eventual winners.

Schools’ Farm and Country Show

by | 5 May 2024 | Eco School, Forest Schools, Owls, Science, Trips, Woodpeckers

On Wednesday 17th April, Years 3, 4 and 5 attended the Schools’ Farm and Country Show at Trinity Park in Ipswich. The children were able to take part in lots of different activities looking at all aspects of farming, growing and food production. First we looked at how willow is used to make cricket bats. […]

Owls Forest School

by | 1 Jan 2024 | Art & Design, Forest Schools, Owls

This half term, Owls class are doing weekly Forest School sessions. We are linking these to our topic on the Battle of Hastings and the Norman invasion. In this week’s den building challenge, children were challenged to build a den as similar as possible to a Norman castle. They had to find and saw their […]

Battle of Hastings

by | 1 Jan 2024 | History, Owls

This half term, Owls’ History topic is the Battle of Hastings and the Norman Invasion. We launched the topic with an immersion day. We looked at the three contenders to the throne in 1066: Harold Godwinson, Harald Hardrada and William, Duke of Normandy. We hot seated the three contenders and made leaflets to promote our […]

Owls’ Sharing Session

by | 11 Nov 2023 | Community, Owls, Parents

On the afternoon of Thursday 16th November, the Owls class were joined by their family members for the first family sharing session of the year. The children worked with their family members to design a poster advertising for the perfect friend. It was lovely to see the children and adults discussing ideas and being creative […]

Ancient Egypt Workshop

by | 9 Sep 2023 | History, Owls, Visitors

On Monday 25th September, the Owls class were visited by an Ancient Egyptian scribe. The children got to take part in many activities such as writing Ancient Egyptian numbers on wax tablets, mummifying a body and building an Ancient Egyptian house. We learnt that they built with mud bricks and saw how they were made. […]

Testing Solubility

by | 9 Sep 2023 | Owls, Science

Owls’ Science topic this half term is Properties and Changes in Materials. This week we looked at solubility. The children had to work as scientists to plan and carry out their own tests to investigate the solubility of different materials. Lots of great learning and discussions.  

Ancient Egyptian Immersion Day

by | 9 Sep 2023 | History, Owls

To launch our new History topic, the Owls class started the term with an Ancient Egyptian immersion day. The children first had to ‘excavate’ some artefacts from an archaeological dig, examine them and make predictions about them. In Maths, we investigated how many cubes we’d need to make different sizes of pyramids. We then tried […]

Understanding the Solar System

by | 5 May 2023 | Owls, Science

Owls’ Science topic this half term is Earth and Space. We have been doing lots of activities to help us understand the structure of the solar system. Using a range of balls, trundle wheels and the school field, we tried to map out the solar system, showing the relative size of the different planets and […]

Owls’ Money Sense Workshop

by | 4 Apr 2023 | Community, Owls, Visitors

On Monday 17th April, the Owls took part in a Money Sense workshop, organised by Natwest bank. Sarah, from the bank, came to help us and to talk about her work. The children had to plan a party for a given person. They had to make decisions about things like number of guests and what […]

Great Biscuit Bake Off

by | 3 Mar 2023 | Design Technology, Owls

In the Owls class last week, for our DT project, we held a Great Biscuit Bake Off. First the children learnt to follow a basic biscuit recipe, practising skills such as creaming and sieving. The next day, we all tried adding our own extra ingredients to the basic dough. We did a taste test to […]

Fabulous French

by | 2 Feb 2023 | Curriculum, Languages, Owls

In Owls, our French topic is ‘Chez Moi’, which means My Home. We have been working on our pronunciation and our listening. In the last lesson, we did a paired activity. One person would read a description while the other person had to work out which set of pictures was being described. The children’s pronunciation […]