
World Book Day 2019

by | 3 Mar 2019 | Community, Fundraising, Kingfishers, Owls, Parents, School Events, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Thursday 7th March, we celebrated World Book Day. The children came dressed as a range of book characters or in their favourite ‘Elmer’ colour. They also took part in a range of activities, all linked to books. Our parents were invited to a coffee and cake morning and our young councillors (Junior Road Safety […]

Tractor Visit

by | 2 Feb 2019 | Community, Geography, Kingfishers, Owls, Visitors

James the Farmer brought his tractor to our school today as part of the Suffolk Agricultural Association’s Tractors into Schools initiative. James spoke to the children in Kingfishers and Woodpeckers Class about his tractor and his job. The children listened carefully and asked his lots of questions. The children also had the opportunity to sit on the […]

Safer Internet Day 2019

by | 2 Feb 2019 | Computing, Kingfishers, Owls, Swans, Woodpeckers

We take Internet Safety very seriously at school and it is something that we regularly talk about to the children. However, (the National) Safer Internet Day which takes place on February 5th is a good day to remind the children about how we can stay safe online.  The theme of this year’s Safer Internet Day […]

School Disco

by | 2 Feb 2019 | Kingfishers, Owls, PTA, Swans, Woodpeckers

Please see below regarding the up-coming School Disco!

Young Voices 2019

by | 2 Feb 2019 | Extracurricular, Owls, Swans

On Tuesday 5th  February, 25 children from Owls and Swans joined approximately 8,550 children from around the region to sing and entertain a packed audience at the O2 in London. The children had been practising the songs since September and it was amazing to hear them join in with other choirs and professionals, as well as […]

Computational Thinking @ BT

by | 1 Jan 2019 | Computing, Owls

Our Year 3’s recently had the opportunity to visit BT @ Adastral Park to join approximately 150 other children to take part in a series of workshops all based on ‘Computational Thinking’.  Our children worked individually and in pairs to program Beebots, Lego and Crumble Bots, to work on Scratch and Scratch Junior animation programs […]

Freudian Portraits

by | 1 Jan 2019 | Art & Design, News, Owls

Owls class have been looking at a range of British Artists and this week the children studied Lucien Freud.  They looked at a range of pictures produced by the artist and specifically at the painting entitled ‘Girl with a Kitten’. The children re-created this portrait using their own choice of media; all of the portraits […]

Perfect Poetry Pair Work

by | 11 Nov 2018 | Curriculum, English, Owls

This week, the Owls have been writing free verse poetry based on Kit Wright’s ‘The Magic Box’. Today, the children worked in pairs to edit and improve their poems. They had to work together to make changes to both poems to make them more effective. The children worked fantastically in their pairs and were able […]

U9 Dodgeball Festival

by | 11 Nov 2018 | Owls, PE

On Thursday 15th November, six children from the Owls class participated in an U9 Dodgeball Festival held at Inspire Suffolk in Ipswich. The children had a great time, with some excellent catching, dodging and throwing skills. We played 8 very competitive matches, winning twice. Well done Owls! Next week it is the Swans’ turn! Results: […]

Stratford St Mary School Remembers

by | 11 Nov 2018 | Community, Kingfishers, Owls, Swans, Visits, Woodpeckers

On Monday 12th November all the children walked down to the church. Whilst there, we saw the the amazing displays which commemorated the 100 year anniversary of the ending of World War 1; we also saw the nine ‘There but not there’ soldiers sitting in the pews. The children read about the 9 brave men […]

Remembrance Day Medals

by | 11 Nov 2018 | English, History, News, Owls

This week in school is Remembrance Week. As part of this topic, the Owls class made Remembrance Day medals. The children had to listen to Mrs Marshall very carefully and follow her instructions. To tie in with their Literacy work, the children then wrote instructions for how to make the medals. Well done Owls!

Harvest Assembly

by | 10 Oct 2018 | Kingfishers, News, Owls, Parents, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Thursday 18th October we hosted our annual harvest assembly.  The children sang a variety of songs, read poems from William Shakespeare, John McCrae and Emily Bronte as well as telling us about harvest around the world. It was lovely seeing so many of you join us for the occasion. Thank you for your kind […]