
Treating Water

by | 5 May 2018 | Geography, Owls

As part of their Geography topic on Water, on Tuesday 8th May, the Owls did a lesson on treating water. We watched a video about how water from the seas and rivers is treated to be made drinkable. The children were then given cups of dirty water and were asked to take the dirt out, […]

Handball Tournament

by | 5 May 2018 | News, Owls, PE

On Tuesday 1st May, some of the Owls children took part in a Handball tournament at Inspire, Ipswich.  They played really well; won 2 games, drew 1 game and lost 1 game. Well done everyone!  

Owls’ Shared Science Session

by | 5 May 2018 | News, Owls

On Thursday 3rd May, the Owls class were joined by their parents to carry out a science experiment. The theme of the lesson was Investigating Gases and we did an experiment to see if we could weigh a gas. We took 5 different fizzy drinks and weighed them when fizzy and when flat. The bigger […]

Cross Country Festival

by | 4 Apr 2018 | News, Owls, PE

On Wednesday 25th April, 12 children from the Owls class went to a cross country festival at East Bergholt High School. For the first part of the morning, the children were split into groups and rotated around four different stations. At each one, they took part in games and mini-races to practise their running skills […]

New Lunches

by | 4 Apr 2018 | Facilities, Kingfishers, Owls, Swans, Woodpeckers

Yesterday, saw the first of the new Pick N Mix choice for school lunches. There was a variety of foods for the children to choose from and those who had the Pick N mix lunch said it was one of the best lunches they’d eaten! Pick N Mix is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays; the […]

The Schools’ Farm and Country Show 2018

by | 4 Apr 2018 | Owls, Trips

On Thursday 19th April, the Owls class went to the Schools’ Farm and Country Show at Trinity Park in Ipswich. There was so much to see and do. In the morning, we had a ride on a tractor, examined some of the latest farming technology and then went to the animal barn, where we got […]

Egg-cellent Work All Round

by | 3 Mar 2018 | Kingfishers, Owls, PTA, Swans, Woodpeckers

Children in the school were invited to take part in ‘designing an egg’ competition which was organised by the PTA.  There were many entries and Mrs Allum and Miss Jones were tasked with the very difficult task of choosing a winner from each year group. Well done to all the children who entered the competition […]

Amazing Gymnasts

by | 3 Mar 2018 | Kingfishers, Owls, PE, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Friday 23rd March, an Under 7’s team, an Under 9’s team and two Under 11’s teams performed at Westbourne High School. Each team competed against other Suffolk Schools and performed a gymnastics routine to music; there was also some ‘body management’ work.  Mrs Allum spent many hours devising routines, choosing music and training the […]

Sunny Fun

by | 3 Mar 2018 | Kingfishers, Owls, Swans, Woodpeckers

Whilst the weather was still cold, this didn’t stop the children having fun in the sun today.  From catching cups to circus tricks and balancing logs the children certainly made the most of the dry weather!

Exploring Turns

by | 3 Mar 2018 | Maths, Owls

This week, in Maths, Year Three have been investigating turns. We practised quarter, half, three-quarter and full turns. Some of the key vocabulary we practised included: right angle, degrees, clockwise and anti-clockwise. To put our learning into practice, we positioned four different stuffed animals around the classroom. The children had to plan a set of […]

Mother’s Day Lunch

by | 3 Mar 2018 | Kingfishers, Owls, Parents, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Wednesday 7th March we welcomed our mums (or a female representative) to our Mother’s Day Lunch.  Rachel and Georgina cooked a delicious roast beef dinner and oaty fruit crunch for pudding.  The mums also got the chance to play outside!. Thank you for coming and having lunch with us, thanks to Rachel and Georgina […]

Spiders, Trains, Rainforests and Bodies

by | 3 Mar 2018 | Art & Design, History, Owls

On Thursday 8th March, it was the Owls’ turn to do their class assembly. The children shared their Literacy work, which included non-chronological reports about spiders whilst others reported information about famous steam trains, which is part of our current History topic. They also presented information posters about rainforests, and showed their art work, on the […]