
Greek Pottery

by | 10 Oct 2020 | Art & Design, History, News, Swans

Our history topic this half term was based on the Ancient Greeks and we investigated the question ‘Were the Greeks similar to us’.  We researched this topic in great detail and realised there were both similarities and differences; the Greeks were much more gruesome than us but they also lived in a democratic society.  We […]

Who Let the Gods Out?

by | 10 Oct 2020 | Computing, English, History, News, Swans

To link in with our Ancient Greek topic, our whole class reading and writing for this half term was based on the book ‘Who Let the Gods Out?’ by May Evans; we also linked part of our computing topic to the book.   We spent half of our ‘computing time’ studying ‘online safety’ reminding ourselves […]

Egyptian Death Mask Making in DT

by | 2 Feb 2020 | Art & Design, History, News, Woodpeckers

The Woodpeckers have been creating death masks in DT. The children took inspiration from Tutankhamun’s death mask when designing their own. They created their masks by covering a balloon with paper mache, cutting it in half and attaching a cardboard head dress. The children used paper mache for the nose, and painted on Egyptian makeup […]

Owl’s Trip To Colchester Castle

by | 2 Feb 2020 | History, Owls, Trips

On Friday 7th February, to tie in with our class work on the Romans, the Owls class took part in a ‘Romans In Colchester’ day at Colchester Castle. We began our day with a Story Tour down in the castle vaults. Our guide, John, explained the early history of Colchester just before, and during, the […]

A Trip To Ipswich Museum

by | 2 Feb 2020 | History, News, Trips, Woodpeckers

On Wednesday 5th February, the Woodpeckers went to Ipswich Museum to take part in an activity day based around the Ancient Egyptians. They got to handle ancient artifacts, try on Egyptian clothing and masks as well as taking part in lots of fun activities. The children enjoyed crawling through the tunnel into the tomb and […]

Mummification Experiment Results!

by | 2 Feb 2020 | History, News, Woodpeckers

Two weeks ago the children took part in an experiment. They wanted to find out if the mummification process actually worked and so they worked in pairs to mummify a tomato. They followed the same mummification steps as the Egyptians would have done with their Pharaohs. They measured the starting weight of the tomatoes before […]

Embalming Tomatoes!

by | 1 Jan 2020 | Art & Design, History, News, Woodpeckers

On Monday 20th January,  the Woodpeckers investigated the scientific process of mummification by becoming Egyptian Embalmers! As there weren’t any dead Pharaohs lying around, the children used tomatoes instead- to symbolise the Pharaoh’s body. The children followed steps to prepare the body (tomato) for mummification; such as taking out the vital organs (seeds and pulp) […]

The Impact of the Railways

by | 11 Nov 2019 | History, Owls

For our History topic this half term, the Owls have been learning about steam railways. On Tuesday 19th November, we learnt about the impact that the steam railways had on Britain. Firstly, the children had to sort statements about the effects of the railways into positive and negative effects. Next, each group was given a […]

Tudor House

by | 11 Nov 2019 | Design Technology, History, Kingfishers

The children became designers and designed their own Tudor house. The children looked at images of different Tudor houses and thought about what they looked liked and the features they had. The children used the information to design their own Tudor house. They drew a picture of their design and added labels. They thought about […]

A Mysterious Letter

by | 11 Nov 2019 | English, History, News, Woodpeckers

The Woodpeckers have been comparing objects from the past in their History lessons (whilst learning about The Gun Powder Plot). The children have been comparing how we would send messages to somebody now, and how they would have been delivered in 1605. They learnt that technology helps us a lot now and was not around […]

A Rather Regal Day Out

by | 11 Nov 2019 | History, Swans, Trips, Visits

On Friday 8th November, Swans took a trip out to Framlingham Castle. We couldn’t resist a trip to the Castle on the Hill as Queen Mary I resided there in 1553. We had a good look around the castle, and the children were brilliant at looking at the evidence in the stone to decide what […]

The Terrible Tudors begin their Reign…

by | 11 Nov 2019 | History, Swans

The Terrible Tudors have begun their reign in Swans class this week, and the children have all been excited to get learning about one of the most influential families in British History. On Thursday 31st of October, we re-enacted the Battle of Bosworth- the last of the civil wars in the Wars of the Roses. […]