
Mind Mapping

by | 9 Sep 2021 | English, Swans

As part of their writing, Swans children created mind maps to represent different parts of the story, this was to help them organise their work.  They used watercolour paints to illustrate the different emotions Olive (the main character of the story) was feeling at different points of the story.

Weaving Textiles

by | 9 Sep 2021 | Art & Design, Kingfishers

The children in Kingfishers Class became artists for the afternoon. The children thought about what art was and the children were asked to investigate weaving materials and processes. The children used red, orange and yellow material linking to the Great Fire of London (warm colours). The children took it in turns to do some weaving […]

Lampshades in Science!

by | 9 Sep 2021 | Science, Swans

In science, the swans used varying transparencies to design a lampshade. They had to consider the materials they used and the effect they would have.  

The Great Fire of London

by | 9 Sep 2021 | History, Kingfishers

The Year One children have been Historians this week and learned all about The Great Fire of London. The children have used different sources to help them answer questions and find out all about The Great Fire of London. The children also became designers and redesigned London after The Great Fire of London. Great work […]

Sports Day – Woodpeckers and Kingfishers

by | 7 Jul 2021 | House Groups, Kingfishers, Parents, PE, School Events, Woodpeckers

Sports Day happened at Stratford St Mary on Monday 19th July – with Woodpeckers and Kingfishers events taking part in the morning.  The children competed in their houses and took part in 5 events – standing long jump, chest throw, sprint, fun run and target game.  Great fun, great team spirit and great attitudes were […]

Sports Day – Owls and Swans

by | 7 Jul 2021 | House Groups, Owls, Parents, PE, School Events

Sports Day happened at Stratford St Mary on Monday 19th July – with Owls and Swans events taking part in the afternoon.  The children competed in their houses and took part in 5 events – standing long jump, chest throw, sprint, fun run and target and water race.  Great fun, great team spirit and great […]

Pouring Punch

by | 7 Jul 2021 | Maths, Woodpeckers

Year 3 have been learning to measure volume and capacity. The children followed Mrs Sadler’s recipe to chop fruit and measure juices to create a delicious fruit punch. Yummy!

Kimmy’s Zoo

by | 7 Jul 2021 | Kingfishers, School Events, Science, Visitors

On Wednesday 7th July Kingfishers Class welcomed some visitors into school – Kimmy’s Zoo; they were very excited. The children were very well behaved and listened carefully to Kimmy. The children learned lots of facts about the different animals. They also got to hold and stroke some of the animals. The children were very brave! […]

Marshmallow Models

by | 7 Jul 2021 | Maths, Woodpeckers

The Year 2s in Woodpeckers have been learning all about 3D shapes this week in Maths. We are able to describe the shapes using mathematical language such as faces, curved surfaces, vertices and edges. We built shapes using a variety of materials, including straws to represent edges and marshmallow to represent vertices! We also made […]

Woodland Wands

by | 7 Jul 2021 | Art & Design, Science, Woodpeckers

Year 2 created our very own magic wands in our woodland area. We decorated a stick using something small, something magical, something given, something special, something pretty and something fragile – all collected from the nature area. It was a spellbinding experience and we all feel a little more connected to the magic of nature!

A Railway Exhibition!

by | 6 Jun 2021 | Art & Design, News, Woodpeckers

Our topic this term in Woodpeckers Class is ‘Victorian Transport’. We had the chance to attend an art exhibition on the history of trains, which was set up in the quad. We were able to ask questions about, and give our opinions on famous artwork. We are using the gallery as inspiration for our own […]


by | 6 Jun 2021 | Environment, Science, Woodpeckers

Across the school this week, our classes have been completing a BioBlitz. Children attempt to identify as many species of plants, trees, insects and animals around the school grounds as possible. Woodpeckers Class turned over logs, peered through magnifying glasses and ventured into thick hedgerows on their search. We found a Portugese millipede, a European […]