
Egyptian Death Mask Making in DT

by | 2 Feb 2020 | Art & Design, History, News, Woodpeckers

The Woodpeckers have been creating death masks in DT. The children took inspiration from Tutankhamun’s death mask when designing their own. They created their masks by covering a balloon with paper mache, cutting it in half and attaching a cardboard head dress. The children used paper mache for the nose, and painted on Egyptian makeup […]

100 Days of School

by | 2 Feb 2020 | English, Kingfishers, Maths, PE, School Events

On Friday 14th February, Kingfishers Class celebrated 100 days of school. We started our morning with some fun facts about the number 100. We then remembered that it was also Valentine’s Day and we learnt about St Valentine and read the book ‘That’s Love’. Combining both themes, we challenged the class to write 100 hearts […]

Cooking Club

by | 2 Feb 2020 | Design Technology, Extracurricular, Kingfishers, Woodpeckers

The children were ready for their next cooking club session. The children listened carefully to instructions, washed their hands and put an apron on. This week the children made potato salad and jam swirls. They practised their cutting, mixing and spreading skills. Great cooking, we hope they were tasty!  

Owl’s Trip To Colchester Castle

by | 2 Feb 2020 | History, Owls, Trips

On Friday 7th February, to tie in with our class work on the Romans, the Owls class took part in a ‘Romans In Colchester’ day at Colchester Castle. We began our day with a Story Tour down in the castle vaults. Our guide, John, explained the early history of Colchester just before, and during, the […]

Science in Swans

by | 2 Feb 2020 | Science, Swans

This half term, Swans have been investigating properties and changes in materials as our Science topic. This week, they were given the question ‘Does the type of liquid used in a solution affect the solubility of materials?’ The children designed an experiment to test this, and conducted the whole thing themselves. They had to choose […]

A Trip To Ipswich Museum

by | 2 Feb 2020 | History, News, Trips, Woodpeckers

On Wednesday 5th February, the Woodpeckers went to Ipswich Museum to take part in an activity day based around the Ancient Egyptians. They got to handle ancient artifacts, try on Egyptian clothing and masks as well as taking part in lots of fun activities. The children enjoyed crawling through the tunnel into the tomb and […]

Special Delivery

by | 2 Feb 2020 | Classes, English, Visitors

The children were very pleased to receive their books they had ordered from James Campbell, the visiting author. The children were very excited and are looking forward to reading them. Happy Reading!

Mummification Experiment Results!

by | 2 Feb 2020 | History, News, Woodpeckers

Two weeks ago the children took part in an experiment. They wanted to find out if the mummification process actually worked and so they worked in pairs to mummify a tomato. They followed the same mummification steps as the Egyptians would have done with their Pharaohs. They measured the starting weight of the tomatoes before […]

Computational Thinking

by | 2 Feb 2020 | Computing, Woodpeckers

On Friday 31st January, 16 Year 3’s spent the day at BT.  They took part in some computational thinking activities which included being a ‘Human Photocopier, using Beebots, being a Human Crane and taking part in some lego (we-do) activities . The children had to think logically and work together; they all had a great […]

All About Owls

by | 2 Feb 2020 | English, Kingfishers

The year one children have been learning all about owls. They have created their own information posters about owls with lots of facts. The children were very pleased with their posters. Great work Kingfishers.

Pizza and Fruit Salad

by | 2 Feb 2020 | Design Technology, Extracurricular, Kingfishers, Owls

In cooking club this week the children created their own pitta bread pizzas. They selected the toppings they wanted on their pizzas and got busy cutting, spreading and sprinkling. They also made a colourful fruit salad. The pizzas and fruit salad looked delicious! Great work little cooks!

The Year of the Rat – Chinese New Year

by | 1 Jan 2020 | Geography, Kingfishers, Religious Education, Visitors

The children were very lucky as Mrs Clark came into school and spoke to them about Chinese New Year. The children took part in different activities which included making a lucky red envelope and a Chinese dragon. Mrs Clark showed the children how to do Chinese writing and they enjoyed having a go at it. […]