
Woodpeckers Class Assembly

by | 5 May 2017 | Maths, Woodpeckers

Friday the 12th of May was the Woodpeckers assembly where they shared their work from the last half term. They shared writing, demonstrated some Maths and showed of their French knowledge by singing a song in French! Well done Woodpeckers!  

Handball Festival

by | 5 May 2017 | PE

Five children from the Owls class took part in a recent handball tournament. They played lots of games against other Ipswich schools.  There was some brilliant shooting, defending, goal-keeping and team play. Well done Owls!

Cross Country Success!

by | 3 Mar 2017 | PE

On Wednesday morning, 16 children took part in a cross-country run at the Royal Hospital School. There were several hundred children from schools all over Suffolk taking part in a variety of races.  Five of our children came in the top 25 for each of their age groups (out of approximately 100-140 runners), but all […]

Creatures, Beans and Mother’s Day

by | 3 Mar 2017 | Kingfishers, Science

On Friday 24th March 2017 it was the turn of Kingfishers to show their work in their class assembly. The children were confident to stand up, talk and sing to the audience. The children proudly showed their work and talked about what they had learnt. They talked about pancakes, showing the shopping lists they had written […]

Ice Hockey in Spring

by | 3 Mar 2017 | PE

On Friday 17th March the children were involved in a PE ‘Enrichment Day’. Mr Ross taught the children skills, rules and tactics associated with the game of Ice Hockey. Even though the sun was shining, the children still used a ‘puck’ which slid well on the playground and in the school hall. Great work children […]

Tag Festival

by | 3 Mar 2017 | PE

On Wednesday 15th March 2017, some of our Owls class were involved in a Tag Rugby festival at Inspire Suffolk. They played against several other teams and all had great fun!

Volcanoes & Addition

by | 3 Mar 2017 | Geography, Owls, Science

On Friday 10th March, it was once again the Owls Class Assembly. The children read out some of their writing, and demonstrated their knowledge of Maths, Science and Geography. As always, we were very proud of all the children, and would like to thank all the parents and relatives that attended.  

Quicksticks Competition

by | 3 Mar 2017 | PE

On Monday 6th March, 6 children from the Swans class represented our school in a Quicksticks Hockey competition.  The children competed against other schools from Ipswich and the surrounding areas. They won some games, lost some and drew some.  Although it was quite cold and threatening with rain all afternoon, the heavy downpour happened just as […]

History, Stories and Electricity

by | 1 Jan 2017 | Owls, Science

It was the turn of the Owls, on Friday 27th January, to share their work to parents and other children in the school. They read stories about Rama and Sita, talked about the dodgeball competition, received certificates and also shared their science work based on electricity.

Dynamic Dodgeballers!

by | 1 Jan 2017 | PE

Monday 23rd January saw 5 Owls compete in a dodgeball competition at Inspire Suffolk.  They played several games against other schools and won some, drew some and lost some.  All the children displayed great skill and determination as well as good team spirit – they even managed some games of table football in between matches!

Ten Pin Fun

by | 1 Jan 2017 | PE

On Friday 27th January 2017, 6 Owls took part in a Ten Pin Bowling Festival.  They joined other schools at the event which was held at Martlesham.  They played 2 games; their scores were added up to make a ‘team total’; our children came 5th out of 11 schools.  Thank you to Mrs Clark and […]

Swans Assembly

by | 1 Jan 2017 | Classes, Curriculum, Parents, School Events, Swans

Friday 20th January saw the first class assembly of 2017.  Swans class shared some of their work and this included their Vex models, newspaper articles on Howard Carter and Ancient Egypt, homework which was based on the Rock n Roll pantomime, their thoughts and experiences from the Young Voices choir event at the O2  and also […]