
Steam Power in Action!

by | 1 Jan 2023 | News, Science, Woodpeckers

As part of their Scientist study on George Stevenson, the children in Woodpeckers class have been learning about steam power.  We learned about how steam is different to smoke because smoke is from something burning, and steam is from liquid boiling. The children were able to demonstrate knowledge of the difference between steam and smoke […]

Palaeontologists in Kingfishers

by | 1 Jan 2023 | Kingfishers, Science

The children became Palaeontologists. The children thought about what they would need to help them – hammer, brush, bag and spade. The children got their bags ready and got busy trying to find the fossils. The children were very careful and said it was going to take a long time to find them. The children […]

A visit from a Palaeontologist and Mary Anning

by | 1 Jan 2023 | History, Kingfishers, Science, Visitors, Woodpeckers

The children in Woodpeckers and Kingfishers were very excited to take part in a dinosaur workshop. The children listened carefully to Graham and Sue and were able to explore (hands on) and look at the dinosaurs. Graham explained he is a Palaeontologist and told the children he uses a hammer and brush to find fossils. […]

Dinosaur Eggs ‘Left’ in School

by | 1 Jan 2023 | Computing, English, History, Kingfishers, Science

The children were very surprised when they found the window open, some dinosaur footprints on the table and a nest full of eggs. They were very excited about this discovery and became ‘explorers’ thinking about, and discussing the evidence they found. They came to the conclusion a dinosaur had been in the classroom!! The children […]

Minsmere Trip

by | 6 Jun 2022 | Geography, Owls, Science, Trips

To tie in with our topic on Coasts, on Monday 20th June, Owls class went to RSPB Minsmere. In the morning, we went down to the shore and learnt about coastal erosion. We also did some beachcombing, trying to find all the things on our sheet. In the afternoon, we did a session on Habitats. […]


by | 6 Jun 2022 | Design Technology, Environment, Kingfishers, News, Science

The children were very excited about digging up the potatoes and seeing how many they got. The children dug through the soil with their hands collecting the potatoes. The children had to look carefully to make sure they hadn’t left any. With support, the children were able to weigh their potatoes and understand that they […]

Lemon Battery

by | 5 May 2022 | Owls, Science

To mark British Science Week, and as part of our work on electricity, the Owls tried to see whether they could use lemons as batteries to light a bulb in a circuit. They worked together as a class to see how many lemons it would take to light the bulb and to make sure everything […]

Travel and Transport

by | 5 May 2022 | Design Technology, Kingfishers, News, Science

This half term in Science the children have been exploring materials. The children were asked to make a boat using suitable materials – which they explored last week. The children selected the materials they needed and got busy creating their boats. The children tested their boats to see if the materials they selected were suitable. […]

Science Club

by | 2 Feb 2022 | Extracurricular, Science

Science Club, for Years 4 and 5, has been running for a few weeks now, and is proving very successful. The children are working towards their Crest Super Star award and are getting stamps in their Science passports for each challenge they complete. Challenges so far have included: building bridges out of paper and seeing […]

Sound Scientists

by | 2 Feb 2022 | Owls, Science

This half term, in Science, the Owls are looking at Sound. To launch the topic, the children were challenged to come up with their own enquiry questions about sound. They were given access to a range of equipment and question maker resources. The children were very creative and intelligent in how they used the resources […]

Observational Drawings

by | 11 Nov 2021 | Art & Design, Science, Swans

The Swans have being doing observational drawings of migratory birds. This week we used magnifying glasses to look closely at the colour and texture of the feathers. We then used watercolour paints to paint over our sketches. The children used a variety of drawing media such as biros, sketching pencils and handwriting pens.  

Lampshades in Science!

by | 9 Sep 2021 | Science, Swans

In science, the swans used varying transparencies to design a lampshade. They had to consider the materials they used and the effect they would have.