
British Science Week – Zoom

by | 3 Mar 2021 | News, Owls, Science, Swans

To celebrate British Science Week, Owls & Swans took part in a Zoom session run by Dr Mandy Hartley. The children learnt about DNA and how it is useful to both historians and scientists.

Waxing or Waning

by | 12 Dec 2020 | Science, Woodpeckers

In Science, Woodpeckers have been creating models to show how the Moon orbits the Earth, and the Earth orbits the Sun. We also learned how the Moon reflects sunlight – we see the Moon in different shapes depending on how much sunlight is blocked by the Earth! I wonder if the Moon is waxing or […]

Owls’ Boat Race

by | 12 Dec 2020 | Owls, Science

As part of our Science topic on Forces, the Owls looked at water resistance and how it can be overcome by streamlining. They had to design and then build boats to be as streamlined as possible in order to move the fastest through the water. We timed each boat and the quickest one took just […]

Sinking Ships…or Not?

by | 12 Dec 2020 | Science, Swans

This week in science, the Swans have been learning about why boats don’t sink. They discovered that the shape of the object affects its ability to float. They looked at an object’s buoyancy  in relation to the Archimedes Principle and had lots of fun trying to design a boat that would hold a certain amount […]

Amazing Autumn

by | 11 Nov 2020 | Kingfishers, Science

The children in Year One have been learning about the Seasons in Science. The children learned about the four different seasons in the UK. They briefly explored what the weather is like in different seasons and what important events there are in each season. The children were then asked to think about the clothes they […]

Science in Action in Swans

by | 11 Nov 2020 | News, Science, Swans

In Science this week, the children in Swans class were investigating the effect different temperatures of water has on an iceberg. We discussed how we could keep the test fair,  make predictions, variables, observations and conclusions and also how we could represent the data. Alongside this, the children learnt how to find the volume of […]

Floating and Sinking in Swans!

by | 11 Nov 2020 | News, Science, Swans

In Science this week we were thinking about what makes a boat move. This led on to discussions about the Titanic’s propeller! The children were given a selection of materials and had to make a simple boat with a propeller which could propel itself through the water. They investigated the following question: How does the […]

Searching for Titanic Treasure

by | 11 Nov 2020 | History, News, Science, Swans

In science, the children have been exploring magnetism. They looked at attraction and repulsion which led onto a discussion of how compasses work. We looked at photos of the compass on board Titanic and spoke about why it was placed on the upper deck and not in the hull (due to the iron in the […]

Skittle Science

by | 3 Mar 2020 | Kingfishers, Science

To celebrate Science week the children in Kingfishers class became scientists. The children listened to the story of the ‘Mixed Up Chameleon’ and we did the Skittle experiment and a chromatography experiment focusing on colour! Before we embarked on our investigation, we thought about what it meant to think “ scientifically “ and discussed the […]

Investigating the Transportation of Water

by | 3 Mar 2020 | News, Science, Woodpeckers

This half term, the Woodpeckers have been learning about the names and functions of the different parts of a plant (and what they need to grow well). In one of the lessons, they focused on the stem and learnt that its job is to transport water to the leaves. We wanted to find out if […]

Science in Swans

by | 2 Feb 2020 | Science, Swans

This half term, Swans have been investigating properties and changes in materials as our Science topic. This week, they were given the question ‘Does the type of liquid used in a solution affect the solubility of materials?’ The children designed an experiment to test this, and conducted the whole thing themselves. They had to choose […]

Experimenting with Switches

by | 1 Jan 2020 | Design Technology, Owls, Science

As part of our whole school topic on Fire, the Owls are combining their Science and DT learning to design and make a fire alarm. We began the project by discussing the different types of switches that we can find. On Friday, the children worked together to solve a series of challenges that involved them […]