
RSPB Big Schools Birdwatch

by | 2 Feb 2025 | Environment, Kingfishers, Science

Today the children took part in the RSPB Big Schools Birdwatch. The children became bird watchers and went into the Forest Schools area to see what birds they could see and to count how many. They completed an RSPB check sheet and spotted seagulls, sparrows, starlings and pigeons. When they got back to the classroom […]

Food Savvy

by | 10 Oct 2024 | Environment, Kingfishers, Owls, Parents, Swans, Woodpeckers

The children welcomed Sam from the Waste Department at Babergh District Council into their school. In assembly Sam spoke to the children about Halloween and about pumpkins. The children were told 16 million pumpkins will go to waste this year. The children were told how they can use the whole pumpkin to eat – skin, […]

Chitting Potatoes

by | 3 Mar 2024 | Environment, Kingfishers, Science

Miss Bailey showed the children a bag and asked the children to guess what was inside. They opened it to find potatoes. Miss Bailey read the instructions and the children looked and helped Miss Bailey to place the seed potatoes on the chitting tray. Miss Bailey said they needed to be placed in the sun […]

Fire and Bread

by | 10 Oct 2023 | Environment, Kingfishers

Mrs Martin told the children they were going to help make a fire. They discussed the fire triangle and how they need fuel, they needed to ignite the fire and they needed air. The children were asked to sort the sticks they had collected last week by the thickness of the sticks. The children listened […]

Conker Caterpillars and More…Forest Fun

by | 10 Oct 2023 | Environment, Kingfishers

Mrs Martin talked with the children about the season and sent children on a leaf hunt around the area collecting different coloured leaves. The children worked together to sort the leaves by colour and size. The children were introduced to the activities – mud kitchen, making potions with syringes and droppers, number line using conkers […]

Fun in the Forest

by | 9 Sep 2023 | Environment, Kingfishers

The children enjoyed another ‘Forest Schools’ session with Mrs Martin and Miss Jones. The children got changed into their outside clothes and headed out to the Forest Fun area and sat on a log in the log circle. Mrs Martin welcomed the children into the Forest Area and went over the Forest School rules. The […]

Forest Schools

by | 9 Sep 2023 | Environment, Facilities, Kingfishers

The children enjoyed their ‘Forest Schools’ session with Mrs Martin and Miss Jones. The children got changed into their outside clothes and headed out to the Forest Fun area and sat on a log in the log circle. Mrs Martin welcomed the children into the Forest Area and went over the Forest School rules. Mrs […]

Clean Air Day

by | 6 Jun 2023 | Environment, JRSO

On Thursday 15th June, the children took part in Clean Air Day. The children were encouraged to walk to school and leave the car at home. Miss Jones also told the children about Clean Air Day in assembly. The children learned about the source, affect and solution for air pollution.

Stag Beetles

by | 6 Jun 2023 | Environment, Kingfishers

The children enjoyed another ‘Forest Fun’ session with Mrs Clark and Mrs Martin. The children got changed into their outside clothes and headed out to the Forest Fun area. The children were joined by the September 2023 Reception children and they accessed all areas of the wildlife area. Today the have been learning about stag […]

Forest Fun – Bees

by | 6 Jun 2023 | Environment, Kingfishers

The children enjoyed another ‘Forest Fun’ session with Mrs Clark and Mrs Martin. The children got changed into their outside clothes and headed out to the Forest Fun area. The children were joined by the September 2023 Reception children and they accessed all areas of the wildlife area. The session focused on Bees and the […]


by | 6 Jun 2023 | Environment, Kingfishers

The children were very excited about digging up the potatoes and seeing how many they got. The children dug through the soil with their hands collecting the potatoes. The children had to look carefully to make sure they hadn’t left any. The children listened to instructions and were able to clean the potatoes. When the […]

Forest Fun

by | 6 Jun 2023 | Environment, Kingfishers

The children enjoyed another ‘Forest Fun’ session with Mrs Clark and Mrs Martin. The children got changed into their outside clothes and headed out to the Forest Fun area. They went on a bug hunt, looking under logs, in the grass and on the leaves ticking off the bug they found on their checklist. They […]