Poster Reminders

by | 4 Apr 2018 | JRSO

The JRSOs produced some posters  for the children and parents following their ‘Spot Check’ before the Easter holidays. The posters are to remind children to walk with their bike or scooter down the school path and for parents to park their cars safely. The JRSOs have displayed their posters on the fences near the path.

Crossing The Road

by | 3 Mar 2018 | Community, JRSO

The JRSOs visited Kingfishers Class this afternoon to remind the children how to cross the road safely. The children were reminded to cross the road with their parent/adult. They were reminded to wait for their parent, stand by the kerb, look and listen at all times, hold hands with their parents, to keep looking whilst […]

Brightness Day

by | 11 Nov 2017 | JRSO, Kingfishers, Owls, School Events, Swans, Woodpeckers

The children put on their brightest clothes for Brightness Day. The children donated £1 for the Brake road safety charity. Thank you very much for your donations, we raised £75. In the assembly the JRSOs awarded certificates and prizes to the brightest dressed child in each class and to the brightest dressed teacher. They also […]

Crossroads @ ABC Pre School

by | 11 Nov 2017 | Community, JRSO, Swans, Visits

The JRSOs visited ABC Pre School to teach the children how to cross the road safely. The JRSOs demonstrated to the children how to do it correctly and supported the children to walk across the road. The children really enjoyed having the JRSOs visit them. Well done JRSOs, great work.  

The Green Cross Code

by | 11 Nov 2017 | JRSO, Kingfishers, Swans

The JRSOs taught the reception children how to cross the road correctly using the ‘Crossroads’ equipment. The children listened carefully to what the JRSOs were saying and followed their instructions. The children really enjoyed the session and were able to cross the road safely.

Road Safety Week

by | 11 Nov 2017 | Classes, Community, JRSO, Visitors

Today we had a visit from PCSO Denise Ford. She worked with the JRSOs looking at the parking outside the school gates this morning. The JRSOs issued tickets to cars which commented on how well they were parked. The JRSOs were pleased to report all cars got a happy smiley face. PCSO Denise Ford then visited Kingfishers […]

Cross Roads

by | 11 Nov 2017 | Classes, JRSO

  The JRSOs welcomed Mr Andrews into school today. Mr Andrews showed the JRSOs how to use the ‘Cross Roads’ equipment. The ‘Cross Roads’ equipment includes a road and zebra crossing and is used to teach children how to cross the road safely. The JRSOs are fully trained in using the ‘Cross Roads’ equipment and […]

Speed Watch

by | 11 Nov 2017 | Community, JRSO, Swans

The JRSOs joined the Community Speed Check Team on Friday. The JRSOs were given the opportunity to hold the speed camera and were able to see how fast the vehicles were travelling. The JRSOs learnt that the aim of the speed checks were to encourage drivers to do the correct speed through the village and […]

Gold Award

by | 6 Jun 2017 | Achievements, Community, JRSO, Trips

Today the JRSO’s attended the Junior Road Safety Awards Event at Endeavour House in Ipswich. The JRSO’s met the Councillor,  the cabinet member for Highways and Transport, listened to presentations from other JRSO’s and participated in a question and answer session. The JRSO’s were awarded a Gold award for their scrapbook which informed others of […]

Walk To School Week

by | 5 May 2017 | Community, JRSO, School Events

Staff, children and parents put on their walking shoes this week and took part in Walk to School Week. The JRSO’s organised the event and the children designed posters to promote it. Staff ran a ‘walking bus’ so children who travel to school in a car could be dropped off and then walk to school. […]

Favourite Footwear

by | 5 May 2017 | JRSO, School Events

The JRSO’s asked the children to wear their favourite footwear on Wednesday 17th May to raise money for our Action Aid Child (during Walk to School Week). The children wore an assortment of footwear including trainers, sandals and slippers. Thank you very much for all your donations.

Scooter Ability Club

by | 4 Apr 2017 | JRSO

The JRSO’s decided to run a scooter ability after school club for the children in Kingfisher Class. The JRSO’s felt they wanted to teach the youngest children in school how to travel safely on their scooters, as most of these children scoot to school.  The JRSO’s did a safety check on the children’s scooters to make sure they were safe to ride. […]