News About Our School
Tree of Life Sculptures
The children in Kingfishers class thought about the question - Can we apply paper-shaping skills to make an imaginative sculpture? The children were asked to look at the 3D art on the board. They were then asked to pick one element from the model and re-create their...
Owls Forest School
This half term, Owls class are doing weekly Forest School sessions. We are linking these to our topic on the Battle of Hastings and the Norman invasion. In this week's den building challenge, children were challenged to build a den as similar as possible to a Norman...
Still Life in Swans
The Swans have begun their drawing unit: Still Life. This week we were drawing using charcoals. We looked at how shading can create depth to a drawing as well as proportion and space. They used white chalk to show the light reflecting off their object. Their work...
Young Voices 2024
On Friday 19th January, 20 children from Owls and Swans joined nearly 8,000 children from around the country, at the O2 arena, to take part in the Young Voices concert. The children performed with professional artists, including Urban Strides, Natalie Williams and...
3D Drawing
In their art lessons, the children continued focusing on Sculptures and 3D. Recently, the children became ‘artists’ and thought about the question - Can we shape paper to make a 3D drawing? The children continued to look at the work of the artist Samantha Stephenson....
Sculptures and 3D Creation Station – Play Dough
The children became ‘artists’ and thought about the questions - Can we explore playdough and its properties? Can we use tools safely and with confidence? The children started the lesson with a ‘Dough Dance Party’ manipulating the clay in time to music. Mrs Clark put...
Bird Watching Forest Schools
The children enjoyed another ‘Forest Schools’ session with Mrs Martin, Miss Jones and Mrs Clark. The children got changed into their outside clothes and headed out to the Forest Fun area. The children focused the session around the RSPB Birdwatcher. They talked about...
Immersion Afternoon Toys
The children began exploring their new topic for this half term. The children received a parcel. Miss Jones opened it and read the letter. The children were asked to work together to complete a puzzle. The children worked as a team and completed the puzzle. They...
Art – Sculpture and 3D
This half term the children will be focusing on Sculptures and 3D in their art lessons. This afternoon the children became ‘artists’ and thought about the question - Can we roll paper to make 3D structures? The children looked at a piece of art by Samantha Stephenson...
Battle of Hastings
This half term, Owls' History topic is the Battle of Hastings and the Norman Invasion. We launched the topic with an immersion day. We looked at the three contenders to the throne in 1066: Harold Godwinson, Harald Hardrada and William, Duke of Normandy. We hot seated...
Wooden Reindeers!
The Swans had a great afternoon outside making their reindeers. They also learned how to strike sparks to create fire. Thank you Mrs Martin for all your help.
Christmas Party Lunch
At the end of the Autumn Term, the children enjoyed a Christmas party lunch. Thank you to Laura, our cook and everyone who was involved in preparing, serving and clearing away. It was a great way to end the term. [gallery...
Moon Talk
On the evening of Monday 18th December, over 40 children and their families stayed after school to listen to a talk from Mike Barrett of the Dedham Vale Dark Skies campaign. During the talk, we were taught lots of facts about the Moon and about the various types of...
10km Walk for Mind
Recently, we celebrated those who successfully completed the MIND 10km charity walk. These dedicated students walked laps of the field on their lunch breaks over 13 weeks in order to walk the 10km. We have been awarded a medal for the school because of their efforts....
Christmas Fair 2023
On Friday 15th December, the PTA held a Christmas Fair. There were many stalls, including a raffle and a tombola and a very special visit from Father Christmas. Thank you to all those in the planning, organising, helping out and clearing away and to everyone for...
Christmas Cheer for Blackbrook House
The children in Kingfishers Class worked together to create a class Christmas display for the residents at Blackbrook House care home for the residents, to brighten up their Christmas. Great teamwork Kingfishers!
Christmas Tree Festival
All the children helped to make a Stratford St Mary Primary School Christmas Tree for the Church’s Christmas Tree Festival. The children created a bauble to decorate the tree and drew a memory from a past Christmas. They also made two green handprints to create the...
Five Gifts for Christmas
This term, the children have been talking about kindness, thoughtfulness, sharing, respect and caring and how these values can become an important part of our daily lives. As a school, we decided to try and spread kindness towards others and asked for some donations...
Tilly the Tale Spinner
On Thursday 14th December the children in Kingfishers and Woodpeckers class were very lucky as they had a story telling session with 'Tilly the Tale Spinner'. 'Tilly the Tale Spinner' told the children lots of Christmas tales. The children interacted and participated...
Christmas Cards for the Community
The children in Kingfishers Class made Christmas cards for the people in the community. They listened to what they had to do and followed the instructions. The children were asked to use the cork and their finger to make a print. The Christmas cards look lovely and we...
Christmas at Colchester Zoo
The children took part in a wonderful Christmas educational experience at Colchester Zoo! The children were greeted by a festive elf who helped them learn all about penguins. The children observed a real penguin up close to test what they had learned. Father Christmas...
Christmas Forest Fun
On Monday 11th December, the Owls class took part in a Christmas-themed Forest School session. The children got to take part in many activities such as den building, fire lighting and making smores. They also got to make Christmas wreaths and wooden reindeer...
The Twinkly Nativity
The children in Kingfishers and Woodpeckers Class performed The Twinkly Nativity to a packed audience in Stratford St Mary church. The children had lots of fun entertaining the audience with their version of the nativity and were in good voice singing the fun songs....
The Curious Polar Bear
The children joined Miss Jones for another book club session. This week's story was ‘The Curious Polar Bear’. The children made polar bear biscuits and enjoyed putting a polar bear puzzle back together, which was a bit tricky!!! The polar bear biscuits were...