Miss Jones

The children have been celebrating the Chinese New Year. They had the opportunity to taste: white rice, noodles, prawn crackers, fortune cookies and soy sauce. The children recorded their likes and dislikes of Chinese food on a chart and marked the correct box with a tick or a cross. The children were able to tell […]

The children enjoyed taking part in the cooking club session after school. The children were able to listen carefully and follow instructions. The children made jam tarts and white chocolate rice krispie cakes.

Stratford St Mary Primary School will be collecting the ‘Lego for Schools’ tokens which will appear in the Ipswich Star and East Anglian Daily Times, from Saturday 9th February to Friday 3rd May 2019. EVERY school that collects a minimum of 1,000 tokens will receive £50 worth of Lego whilst the top three (as a […]

The painting of Elmer has started. Mrs Fisk has been busy painting the underneath of Elmer, which has been very tricky! The children have also helped Mrs Fisk paint the top of Elmer (blue) to create the sky. It is lovely to see Elmer coming to life.

The children created their own pitta pizzas in cooking club. They selected the toppings they wanted on their pizzas and got busy cutting, spreading and sprinkling. Great pizzas.

The children were very excited to see the snow! The children put on their wellies, coats, gloves, scarves and hats and headed outside. The children used their senses to describe the snow seeing footprints, white snow, sparkles and hearing crunchy snow. The children explored the snow, enjoyed walking on it, creating patterns and writing their […]

Mrs Fisk came into school to prepare Elmer ready for his decoration. She cleaned him and primed him with white paint. The children were given the opportunity to see what Mrs Fisk was doing and ask her lots of questions. The children are very excited to be involved in his decoration in the future. Thank […]

The children looked at a Powerpoint all about British Birds. The children were able to identify the birds and learnt interesting facts about them. The children were told they were going to take part in the RSPB Birdwatch (next week). The children thought about how they could attract the birds to the wildlife area. The […]

The children enjoyed making biscuits this week in cooking club. The children worked together to weigh the ingredients, mix them altogether, roll out the dough and cut the dough into biscuit shapes. Great teamwork and lovely biscuits.

In cooking club the children enjoyed making pizza swirls and rocky road. The children were able to listen to instructions and follow them. They worked as a team, sharing the equipment and taking turns.

This year, Elmer the Elephant will be celebrating his 30th Birthday. As a school we have decided to be part of ‘Elmer’s Big Parade Suffolk’ and help raise money for St Elizabeth Hospice. We have pledged £750 to have our own sculpture of Elmer and be a part of a big community project. We will […]

During the Forest Fun session the children were given the task of creating a snowflake using natural materials. They discussed what snowflakes looked like, remembering that they have 6 points and that they are translucent. They listened to what they were going to be doing and then put their wellies on ready to head outside. […]