Miss Jones

Denise, the PCSO, came to speak to the Kingfishers about Strangers. They learnt that a stranger is somebody we do not know or trust. They also learnt that they should never go anywhere with a stranger, never take anything from a stranger, never go in a strangers vehicle and to always inform a trusted adult […]

The children and Staff took part in wear your favourite footwear to school day on Tuesday 22nd May. There were lots of different footwear from trainers to slippers. The children and staff donated £1 to support the event. We raised over £60 for our Action Aid child. Thank you to everyone for supporting the event.

This week, the children and parents have been participating in ‘Walk to School Week’. The JRSO’s challenged everyone in our school to walk every day during Walk to School Week so we could have a car free zone in Strickmere. Staff provided a ‘Walking Bus’ from both ends of Strickmere to encourage the children and […]

On Thursday afternoon the children worked with a family member and created a transport model. They planned what they were going to do and what they were going to use. They constructed their model using recycled materials, cutting and sticking. The children wrote a label for their model. The children really enjoyed working with their family […]

This week the children in Kingfishers Class have linked their learning to the ‘Royal Wedding’. The children have been very busy as they received three letters from the ‘Royal Family’. The Queen asked for the children to write invitations and letters to the guests. Prince Harry needed the children’s help to design and write the recipe […]

The children in Kingfishers Class were very lucky as they had three visitors to the classroom this week, Mrs Kite, Mrs Allum and Mrs Clark. They had brought in their wedding dresses and photo albums. The children really enjoyed listening to Mrs Kite and Mrs Allum explain who was in the photographs. The children thought the […]

On Wednesday afternoon the children in Kingfisher Class participated in their own ‘Royal Wedding’ of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Reverend Rosalind came to school and carried out the wedding ceremony. The children took on a role and all enjoyed the special occasion. After the wedding the children enjoyed a piece of wedding cake. Thank you to all the parents for […]

During forest Fun, the children completed a Scavenger Hunt. They searched for insects and different types of wildlife. When they had found them, they ticked them off and did 10 star jumps! The children also went pond dipping. They had a tick list to see what insects and wildlife they could see in the pond. […]

Kingfishers Class welcomed Mr Banner from Pentagon Play into their outdoor classroom to do some measuring. We are hoping to secure a grant so we can improve the Kingfishers outside classroom. The children enjoyed finding out about the trundle wheel and how big the outside classroom was.

The children walked sensibly in pairs up to Hall Farm. They followed instructions and stayed in their pairs, walking slowly across the road when told to do so. They arrived at the farm and were met by the farmer who led them around the farm trail. They looked at the animals and asked questions, listening to […]

As part of their topic, Kingfishers Class went for a walk to the church to find out about different things in the village. The children were able to follow instructions carefully and were very well behaved as they walked to the church. Reverend Rosalind met them at the church and welcomed them in. Reverend Rosalind asked the […]

On Tuesday afternoon the Kingfishers Class participated in Forest Fun session. They had a look by the pond to see if they could see the frogs but could not spot any today. They then looked in the place that they saw them last week but again, could not see them. They decided that they must […]