Mrs Thornton
Friday the 12th of May was the Woodpeckers assembly where they shared their work from the last half term. They shared writing, demonstrated some Maths and showed of their French knowledge by singing a song in French! Well done Woodpeckers!
This week was the turn of the Woodpeckers to show off the great work they have been doing over the past few weeks! They explained their knowledge of expanded noun phrases, alliteration, similes and conjunctions and some children read their senses poems where they had incorporated these skills. They waved their Kenya flags and shared […]
Last week was the turn of The Woodpeckers to share their work from this half term. They quizzed the audience on owl facts that they had been learning as part of their non-fiction writing in Literacy. The children explained all about Lowry, who was the artist they have been learning about in Art. They showed off their […]
Over the past couple of weeks, all the children have been set homework to create a Christmas decoration/ picture/ card to give to the patients at West Suffolk Hospital to cheer them up during their stay over the Christmas period. Miss Kluge’s Mum is a Ward Sister at the hospital and will deliver them to the patients. […]
Over the past couple of weeks the Woodpeckers have been learning the story of ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunchbox’ as part of their DT. In the story, Mr Grinling receives his lunch every day via a zip line that runs from his house, across the sea to the top window of the light house where he […]
This week was the turn of the Woodpeckers to showcase their work from this half term. They performed the nonsense poem: ‘Hobble, Gobble Wobble’ By Michael Rosen with actions as well as a poem they had learnt about the months and seasons. The children shared their story ideas about unlikely animal friends who teach each other […]
This week was the turn of the Woodpeckers to showcase their work from this half term. They showed their Autumn leaf sculptures and explained how they were made. They also shared some of their writing. In Literacy they had made their own books with the next chapter of ‘Not Now Bernard’ and even included a […]
On Wednesday some of Key Stage One enjoyed their team work challenge at Construction club after school . They had to make a building out of construction play equipment and work as a team. They had to show good speaking and listening skills and work together on their buildings. They built some very interesting designs and even […]
This term Woodpeckers have been learning about Sculptures in Art. They have looked at different sculpture making materials and learnt skills needed to make a sculpture. As a class the children picked their own leaves and use clay to make and Autumn leaf shaped sculpture. They use clay modelling tools to create a leaf effect […]
Today was the turn of the Woodpeckers to share their hard work. They shared their knowledge of beat and rhythm and played different beats that they had made up in their groups. Some children shared their alternate endings to the traditional tale of Red Riding Hood which included Red Riding Hood getting help from the Three […]
This week in DT the Woodpeckers have been designing their own rainforest animal made out of fruit. They have thought about healthy eating and chosen a rainforest animal each to recreate using just fruit. The children looked at lots of different types of fresh fruit and compared the difference between fresh and tinned fruit. Once they […]
Woodpecker class have been learning about habitats and micro habitats. They have looked at different world habitats, and compared the animals that lived there. They have been learning about microhabitats, paying particular interest to the mini beasts and other animals that could be found there. The Woodpeckers have been exploring the outdoor area to look at pond and […]