Mrs Bilner

Carols in the Church

by | 12 Dec 2019 | Community, Owls, School Events, Swans

On Thursday 12th December, the Owls and Swans entertained parents, grandparents, friends and members of the local community at Stratford St Mary church.  The children sang carols & songs, read poems and some passages from the bible, performed a little sketch and told some jokes. They were all very confident and certainly got people into […]

Community Spirit

by | 12 Dec 2019 | Community, Kingfishers, News, Owls, Swans, Woodpeckers

The community of Stratford St Mary recently joined together to bring some festive cheer to others. The families of the school, the local community, the parishioners of the churches and the Hall Farm Shop & Restaurant community bought Christmas gifts which were then delivered to the FIND charity in Ipswich.  FIND will then distribute these […]

Thank you!

by | 11 Nov 2019 | Community

A huge thank you to all who donated to this very worthwhile charity.

Remembrance Day Activities

by | 11 Nov 2019 | House Groups, Kingfishers, Owls, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Monday 4th November, the children took part in an assembly about ‘Why we wear poppies near Remembrance Day’; they learnt about the history of poppies and why people started wearing them after the ‘First World War. The children then went into their house groups to participate in some poppy related activities. We continued to […]

Firework Spectacular

by | 11 Nov 2019 | Community, School Events

Saturday 2nd November saw another spectacular firework event held at our school. It was a wet and blowy day for the preparations, however, the wind and rain stopped just in time for everyone to enjoy food, drinks, live music and an amazing firework display. A massive thank you to all who were involved in preparations […]

Harvest Gifts

by | 10 Oct 2019 | Fundraising, Kingfishers, News, Owls, Parents, Swans, Woodpeckers

Thank you for attending the harvest assembly and for your kind harvest gifts which were greatly received by FIND in Ipswich.

McMillan Coffee Morning – Thank you!

by | 10 Oct 2019 | Fundraising, Kingfishers, Owls, Parents, Swans, Woodpeckers

Thank you all who came to our coffee morning, provided and bought cakes and thank you for supporting this fantastic cause – £180.21 was raised.

Residential – A Roaring Success

by | 8 Aug 2019 | News, Swans, Visits

On Monday, 8th July, Mr Bassett, Mrs Bilner & Mrs Edwards took 26 excited Swans on a 5 day long residential trip to PGL, Caythorpe Court, Lincolnshire. Setting off just after 9.15am, we made the drive up the A14 to Hinchingbrooke Country Park in Huntingdon for a picnic lunch, a play on the park and […]

Summer Vacation – The Musical!

by | 7 Jul 2019 | Parents, School Events, Swans

On Thursday 18th July, the Swans class entertained a packed hall by performing their play’ We’re all going on a Summer Holiday’.  The story line was based on a family trip to the Poplins Holiday Camp.   There was some brilliant acting, singing and fantastic ‘one-liners’! Thank you to all involved in creating this amazing production […]

Sizzling Sports Day Success

by | 7 Jul 2019 | Achievements, House Groups, Kingfishers, Owls, Parents, PE, School Events, Swans, Woodpeckers

Friday 5th July saw the annual sports day at the school.  The sun shone, crowds gathered and children enjoyed a variety of events; the atmosphere was fantastic! Otters were the victorious winners and gained 40 house points! Well done. Thank you to all who helped with the preparations beforehand and to those who helped on […]

Mother’s Day Lunch

by | 3 Mar 2019 | Kingfishers, Owls, Parents, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Wednesday 27th March 2019, we welcomed over 60 mums and grandmothers for our annual Mother’s day lunch. Rachel and Georgia prepared a delicious roast dinner, followed by jam sponge and custard, which was enjoyed by all. Thank you mums (and grandmums) for supporting this event, to all staff for helping over the lunchtime period […]

World Book Day 2019

by | 3 Mar 2019 | Community, Fundraising, Kingfishers, Owls, Parents, School Events, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Thursday 7th March, we celebrated World Book Day. The children came dressed as a range of book characters or in their favourite ‘Elmer’ colour. They also took part in a range of activities, all linked to books. Our parents were invited to a coffee and cake morning and our young councillors (Junior Road Safety […]