Mrs Bilner

Football Tournament

by | 11 Nov 2016 | Classes, Curriculum, Extracurricular, PE, Swans

Some of our Swans class  were involved in a recent football tournament. They played 5 matches against other schools; they won one, drew two and lost two.  It was quite a cold and wet afternoon, but all the boys had fun and played really well.

Anti-Bullying Week

by | 11 Nov 2016 | Classes, Curriculum, Kingfishers, Owls, Swans, Woodpeckers

This week is Anti-Bullying week and the children have been learning about what ‘bullying’ is and what can be done about it .  We also talked about ‘friendship’ and how important this is in our school and about being a friend to others. The Anti-bullying ambassadors welcomed the parents on Tuesday afternoon for the Parents […]

Swans Assembly

by | 11 Nov 2016 | Achievements, Curriculum, Parents, Swans

Friday 11th November saw Swans take the first assembly of the half term; they shared some of their amazing ‘flashback’ stories, some of their Mayan history facts and numbers and also explained their multiplication maths work. Well done Swans, you spoke clearly and confidently.

Funtrition Fun

by | 11 Nov 2016 | Classes, Curriculum, PE, Swans

Swans class have started a six week course based on Health and Nutrition.  They learnt in the first week about the 4 principles of Funtrition: Eat Well, Sleep Well, Drink Well and Move Well. They also planted some mystery seeds which will hopefully grow into a fruit or vegetable – the children will be given […]

Spectacular Sight at the School

by | 11 Nov 2016 | Community, Fundraising, Parents, PTA, School Events

Saturday evening saw us open the school grounds for the annual fireworks event. Hog roast, hot dogs and warm drinks were enjoyed by a record number of people before a spectacular fireworks display lit up the night sky. A huge thank you and well done to the Stratford St Mary Fireworks Committee who organised the event, […]

Poetry Success

by | 11 Nov 2016 | Classes

On the 14th October, Georgia and her family attended the Suffolk Young Poets celebration at the Halesworth Art Centre. Georgia had received a commendation for her poem; the celebrations included a workshop with Dean Parkin who is a member of The Poetry People team.  Georgia received a lovely certificate as a commended poet and all the commended […]

‘Start Active’ Breakfast Club

by | 10 Oct 2016 | Classes, Extracurricular, Kingfishers, Owls, Swans, Woodpeckers

Monday 31st October saw 9 children join us for the very first day of the Start Active Breakfast Club being run by Premier Sport. The children spent their time on some brain gym activities before tucking into a snack of orange juice & toast!

Safe Cyclists

by | 10 Oct 2016 | Achievements, Curriculum, PE, Swans

Some of our Swans class enjoyed a 2 day ‘bikeabiity’ course. They started by learning some skills in the safety of the school playground before taking their bikes onto the local roads. They are now proficient at riding their bikes safely! Well done children!

Golf Course Glory

by | 10 Oct 2016 | Classes, Extracurricular, PE

On Thursday afternoon, 5 children took part in a Golf Tournament at Play Golf, Colchester.  The children were given the opportunity to learn and practise their golf skills with some professional golfers before competing in a tournament against other schools.  The children played really well and ended the day in 2nd place. Well done golfers […]

Harvest Assembly

by | 10 Oct 2016 | Classes, Community, Parents, School Events

On Friday afternoon, we welcomed parents and carers to join us for our Harvest assembly. All the classes shared readings, songs, poems and prayers. Thank you for all the donations of food goods which will be donated to the Colchester Food Bank.

Crumble Bot Success

by | 10 Oct 2016 | Achievements, Computing, Swans, Trips

On Wednesday 12th October, some of the Swans class took part in a Crumble Bot competition at BT. The children took part in a series of challenges which saw them compete against 31 other primary schools. At the end of the afternoon, the Year 5 team came 2nd out of 31 teams and the Year 6 team came 4th. […]

Paralympic Enrichment Day

by | 10 Oct 2016 | Classes, Curriculum, Kingfishers, Owls, PE, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Friday, all the classes were involved in an Enrichment Day. Mr Ross from Premier Sport taught the children some games which included ‘blindfolded’ ball games, boccia as well as ‘floor volleyball’ involving balloons. The children all enjoyed the activities and learnt how to use different skills and tactics.