Mrs Bilner

Robotics @ BT

by | 11 Nov 2018 | Computing, News, Swans, Visits

On Friday 10th November, the Year 5 children went to BT @ Adastral Park to take part in a Crumble Bot session. The children were tasked with creating a program that would enable the Crumble Bot Car to flash different coloured lights; to make it stop when it came across a black line and to […]

Stratford St Mary School Remembers

by | 11 Nov 2018 | Community, Kingfishers, Owls, Swans, Visits, Woodpeckers

On Monday 12th November all the children walked down to the church. Whilst there, we saw the the amazing displays which commemorated the 100 year anniversary of the ending of World War 1; we also saw the nine ‘There but not there’ soldiers sitting in the pews. The children read about the 9 brave men […]

The Greatest Show

by | 11 Nov 2018 | Community, News

Saturday 3rd November saw dry and calm weather and over 1000 people enjoying music, great food and a spectacular fireworks event on our school grounds. The Stratford St Mary fireworks committee had spent months preparing for the event and an enormous amount of time over the weekend (together with a host of volunteers) making sure […]

Bikeability Fun!

by | 11 Nov 2018 | PE, Swans

At the beginning of this half term, our Year 5 children were put through their paces during their 2-day Bikeability course.  Mr Ross and Mr Hooley taught the children the necessary skills to be safe on their bikes – firstly in the playground and then whilst out on the road. All the children passed their […]

Harvest Assembly

by | 10 Oct 2018 | Kingfishers, News, Owls, Parents, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Thursday 18th October we hosted our annual harvest assembly.  The children sang a variety of songs, read poems from William Shakespeare, John McCrae and Emily Bronte as well as telling us about harvest around the world. It was lovely seeing so many of you join us for the occasion. Thank you for your kind […]

CSI Friday!

by | 10 Oct 2018 | Science, Swans, Visits

On Friday 12th October, the year 6’s of Swans class ventured out to East Bergholt High School to help solve the mystery of the disappearing watch! The children had to whittle down the suspects by trying their hands at DNA extraction using pineapple juice; blood sampling, where they had to discover who shared the same […]

PTA Evening

by | 10 Oct 2018 | News, PTA

The PTA are holding an information evening on Wednesday 10th October.  All welcome!

Thank you!

by | 9 Sep 2018 | News

On Friday, the PTA hosted a coffee morning and cake sale in aid of the McMillan Cancer Charity.  Thank you to all those who attended, donated and bought cakes and coffee.  The first count is that we made at least £100.00.  Thank you very much for your generosity!  

Crime Scene in Swans Class!

by | 9 Sep 2018 | Maths, News, Swans

This week in maths, Swans class were shocked to learn of a ‘murder’ that had taken place in our class. The children had 45 minutes to solve the mystery using their rounding and problem solving skills. They did a brilliant job and solved the case within the time limit! Fantastic work Detectives!

Kandinsky and Banksy Inspire Stratford Artists

by | 9 Sep 2018 | Art & Design, Extracurricular, Owls, Swans

In Art club, the children have been learning about different artists and their style of work. The first week we looked at Bansky and created some graffiti art using stencils (Banksy’s preferred methods) and the second week we looked at Kandinsky and his abstract art work.  The children looked in particular to Kandinsky’s circles work […]

Aladdin Trouble

by | 7 Jul 2018 | Extracurricular, School Events

Wednesday 18th July saw the Key Stage 2 performance of Aladdin Trouble. Amazing acting, singing, dancing and narrating was thoroughly enjoyed by the audiences. We certainly have talented children at Stratford St Mary! A big thank you to all those that helped put on this fantastic performance.

Family Fun Day

by | 7 Jul 2018 | News

Please see the Flyer below giving details of the Family Fun Day being held at the Institute on 21st July from 1pm onwards.