Mrs Bilner

Arts Week – Day 5 & Exhibition

by | 6 Jun 2017 | Art & Design

Today was a day of finishing off our art work and preparing for the exhibition. There are now several boards in the school hall, all adorned with art work, pictures, photographs and children’s writing. The school hall will be open tomorrow between 10.30am & 4.00pm tomorrow  so visitors can come and see the art work […]

Thank you Halfords!

by | 6 Jun 2017 | Community

On Wednesday 21st June, Robin and Bob from Halfords in Colchester paid the school a visit. They worked with the Swans class to discuss cycle safety. The children learnt how to check different parts of their bike, how to repair a tyre puncture and one lucky child had their bike fixed during the session. Thanks Robin and Bob for […]

Kwik Cricket

by | 6 Jun 2017 | PE

On Tuesday 20th June, a selection of Swans took part in the Kwik Cricket tournament at Chantry Park. It was a very warm afternoon, but all the children played well as a team; there was some fantastic batting, some amazing fielding and great fun had by all. Well done children!

National Bike Week

by | 6 Jun 2017 | Uncategorised

This week was National Bike Week.  The children joined in with this initiative by riding their bikes, scooters and push-alongs to school. We reminded them of cycling safely (including wearing their cycling helmets) and being road and pedestrian aware. Next week our older children will be involved in a cycling safety session from Halfords.   […]

Father’s Day Lunch

by | 6 Jun 2017 | Uncategorised

Thursday 15th June saw just short of 50 dads, granddads and uncles join us for our annual Father’s Day lunch.  Rachel and Georgina cooked a delicious roast dinner, followed by a favourite of cornflake cake and custard (brought back happy memories for our visitors). The visitors then enjoyed some time outside joining in with some […]

Hidden History

by | 6 Jun 2017 | Uncategorised

As an introduction to ArtsWeek, Owls and Swans visited Flatford Mill. They were involved in a variety of activities: searching the local area for clues about John Constable and the past, taking part in drama sessions to learn about John Constable and his family, looking at the mill and the water where he created his famous […]

Quadkids Fun

by | 6 Jun 2017 | PE

On Wednesday 14th June, 10 Swans took part in a Quadkids competition at Northgate High School. They joined approximately 60 other schools and 600 competitors competing in a variety of events : 75 m sprint, standing long jump, vortex throw and 600m run.  There was an opening and closing ceremony; our allocated country was Iceland. […]

High 5 Netball

by | 5 May 2017 | PE

Tuesday 23rd May saw some of our Swans children taking part in a High 5 Netball competition at Ipswich High School’s Eaton Place. High 5 Netball involves children changing position after each half, so everyone gets a chance at playing in a different position.  We came 4th overall in our group; with some great goals […]

Gymnastic Fun

by | 5 May 2017 | PE

Friday 19th May saw some of our children taking part in a gymnastics festival at Westbourne Academy. In the morning, it was the turn of our Woodpeckers children to show their routines and jumping and landing skills using the springboard.  In the afternoon, it was the turn of our Key Stage 2 children who performed […]

Handball Festival

by | 5 May 2017 | PE

Five children from the Owls class took part in a recent handball tournament. They played lots of games against other Ipswich schools.  There was some brilliant shooting, defending, goal-keeping and team play. Well done Owls!

BHF Charity

by | 4 Apr 2017 | Uncategorised

Many thanks for your kind contributions towards the British Heart Foundation.  The children looked great wearing red.  We raised just short of £70.00.

A Perfect End to the Term

by | 3 Mar 2017 | Uncategorised

Friday 31st March saw the children entertain the parents with an end of term assembly.  The children shared their poems, prayers and facts about Easter around the world; they all sang beautifully too! Well done children and we all hope you, and your families have a great Easter break.