Mrs Bilner

Young Voices 2024

by | 1 Jan 2024 | Extracurricular, Music, News, Owls, Swans, Visits

On Friday 19th January, 20 children from Owls and Swans joined nearly 8,000 children from around the country, at the O2 arena, to take part in the Young Voices concert. The children performed with professional artists, including Urban Strides, Natalie Williams and Nandi Bushell. The children behaved wonderfully, performed flawlessly and were a real credit […]

Wooden Reindeers!

by | 1 Jan 2024 | Design Technology, Forest Schools, Swans

The Swans had a great afternoon outside making their reindeers. They also learned how to strike sparks to create fire. Thank you Mrs Martin for all your help.

Christmas Forest Fun

by | 12 Dec 2023 | Forest Schools, Owls

On Monday 11th December, the Owls class took part in a Christmas-themed Forest School session. The children got to take part in many activities such as den building, fire lighting and making smores. They also got to make Christmas wreaths and wooden reindeer decorations, sawing the wood themselves. The children showed great perseverance in the different activities and […]

The Boy who Harnessed the Wind

by | 12 Dec 2023 | News, Science, Swans

The Swans have been learning about William Kamkambura and how he harnessed the wind to create electricity for his village in Malawi. They were then set the challenge to create a windmill that could lift a small bucket of marbles! The classroom was full of excitement as they watched their windmills in action!

Afternoon Tea for some Special Visitors

by | 11 Nov 2023 | Design Technology, History, News, Swans, Visitors

The Swans had a lovely time providing a WW2 themed ‘afternoon tea’ for the elderly members of their community. They had really enjoyed sharing information about life in the village during WW2 and wanted to say ‘thank you’ for coming into school and sharing their experiences. We have had an amazing half term learning all […]

Learning about Hinduism

by | 11 Nov 2023 | Religious Education, Swans

The Swans have been learning about the Hindu belief in Atman. The Atman refers to the real person inside an individual. It is made of part of the spirit of Brahman. They Hindus use the saying ‘Namaste’ to greet each other. This translates as ‘The Divine Spirit in me salutes the Divine Spirit in you.’ […]

Prehistoric Art

by | 10 Oct 2023 | Art & Design, History, Woodpeckers

In Art we have been looking at Prehistoric cave drawings. For our final piece in this unit, we tried to keep the materials we used as natural as possible as we know that materials such as paint and colouring pencils were not available for Stone Age people! We collected mud to create our background, then used charcoal […]

Computing ‘Packets’

by | 10 Oct 2023 | Computing, Woodpeckers

Did you know that every image you send, document you write or video you see has to be sent across to you in packets? We looked at packets in our recent Computing lesson and learnt that packets are when documents online are broken up into lots of pieces and sent across the internet to the […]

Food Bank Donation

by | 10 Oct 2023 | Community, Fundraising, Kingfishers, Owls, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Thursday 5th October, we held a Harvest Assembly in the school.  Families were incredibly generous and brought in some non-perishable items which were sent onto the Colchester Food Bank. Thank you all so much for the contributions. The Food Bank was incredibly grateful for the 58.80kg of items donated.  

Henry Moore ‘Shelters’

by | 10 Oct 2023 | Art & Design, History, Swans

The Swans have begun to use the art skills they have learnt in order to create their final pieces based on Henry Moore’s Shelter Drawings.

McMillan Cancer Support Coffee Morning

by | 9 Sep 2023 | Community, PTA

On Friday 29th September, the school hosted a coffee morning and after school cake sale in aid of McMillan Cancer Support.  Thank you to the PTA who organised and ran this event; to those who supplied delicious cakes and those who came to the coffee morning and bought cakes after school.  An amazing £190 was […]

Henry Moore Shelters

by | 9 Sep 2023 | Art & Design, History, News, Swans

The Swans have been practising creating contour lines in their art work in the style of Henry Moore. His Shelter drawings show people huddled together in the underground stations. The children got into groups of 3 and were photographed in a huddling position. They then used the forward and backward technique, shading techniques and curved […]