Mrs Bilner

In History, we have been learning about why the British invaded Benin. We had to create a fortune graph and place the different events on a graph according to whether they were good or bad for the kingdom,. We then had to consider 3 key turning points in Benin’s history and articulate our views to […]

The Swans have been learning about inherited characteristics. They thought about what the children of different Mr Men and Little Miss characters would look like if they were to produce offspring. They had so much fun!

On Friday 25th March the PTA kindly arranged a disco for the school children. Lots of fun was had by all and there were some great dance moves performed! Thank you to all those who helped organise and supervise the event and made it such a success.

The Swans have been using the ‘Stop Motion Animation’ app to create their first short animation. They learnt about onion skinning; the importance of keeping the camera still and the need for very small changes in their model. It was such fun!

In science, the Swans made periscopes to see how they can be used to help us see things that are out of sight.

On Thursday 2nd March, it was World Book Day. This year, instead of the children dressing up – they dressed a potato as their favourite book character. The children were involved in reading activities throughout the day and there was the opportunity to share their potatoes in assembly just before the end of the day. […]

The Swans have busy working alongside a photographer and art practitioner. The aim of the workshop was to encourage children to connect with their environment in a practical and creative way and to question and examine their surroundings. This type of learning aids mental well-being allowing them as photographers to refocus their mind literally as […]

In art we have been painting using different tones. We have used Pablo Picasso’s painting ‘Guernica’ as as inspiration for our work. He used lots of symbolism as opposed to realism. We tried to link our work to our topic on The Transatlantic slave trade and created symbols to represent the horrors of this atrocity.

The Swans have been learning about Thomas Clarkson and his campaign to abolish the Transatlantic Slave trade. They used their history skills and discussed why his chest was an important part of the campaign. They then created a role play based on the meetings Clarkson would have attended to present the contents of his chest. […]

On Friday 20th January, we took a coach load of children and parents to London. Miss Rivers, Mrs Marshall and Mrs Bilner accompanied 22 children (sadly 2 couldn’t come because of illness) into the O2 arena – so they could rehearse their practised songs with 8000 other school children before performing to a packed audience […]

On Tuesday 17th January, some children from the Owls class took part in an Under 9 Futsal competition. They played extremely well and showed great sportsmanship and team work. Thank you to the adults who accompanied the group!