Mrs Bilner
The Swans have been busy preparing their class display ready for their new geography topic on Australia!
This week the Swans have been engineers. They were involved in a mission from NASA – they were given a budget of 6 million dollars to design a new rover for Mars. First they identified the axles, suspension etc on existing rovers. They then used different types of pasta and polos to create their own. […]
The swans have been practising their number skills of doubling, trebling, addition, subtraction and multiplication by playing Darts! They had so much fun!
This week, the Swans have been learning about The Big Bang Theory. In order to understand this theory of how the universe expanded from one single point (over 13 billion years ago), the children carried out an investigation involving balloons! They recorded data in charts to help them answer scientific questions surrounding this theory. […]
On Tuesday, 20th April, we took delivery of 6 duck eggs. They were popped into an incubator and throughout the course of the week, 6 ducklings hatched. The children have been fascinated by these arrivals and have been following their progress. One has been called Queenie as ‘she’ arrived on the queens birthday and another […]
This term, the children are learning about Thomas Clarkson and his contribution towards the abolishment of slavery. This week, in Art, the children learnt about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad was a term used for a network of people, homes, and hideouts that slaves in the southern United States used to […]
The children spent Thursday afternoon creating the eyes and noses for their animal collages. They used oil pastels and practiced blending techniques to create this stunning work. Further photos to follow!
The children have been drawing repetitive patterns as part of their collage work. These will be ripped up and added to their oil pastel patterns to form the background to their animal collage.
To celebrate British Science Week, Owls & Swans took part in a Zoom session run by Dr Mandy Hartley. The children learnt about DNA and how it is useful to both historians and scientists.
The children in Swans have been thinking about why it is important to protect our rainforests. They have been busy creating our class rainforest display and have produced some wonderful ‘Double-Page Spreads’ about this fascinating biome in Geography
Thank you for your generous donations which were greatly received and distributed.