
Wedding Dresses

by | 5 May 2018 | History, Kingfishers, Religious Education, Visitors

The children in Kingfishers Class were very lucky as they had three visitors to the classroom this week, Mrs Kite, Mrs Allum and Mrs Clark. They had brought in their wedding dresses and photo albums. The children really enjoyed listening to Mrs Kite and Mrs Allum explain who was in the photographs. The children thought the […]

Royal Wedding @ Stratford St Mary

by | 5 May 2018 | History, Kingfishers, Religious Education, Visitors

On Wednesday afternoon the children in Kingfisher Class participated in their own ‘Royal Wedding’ of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Reverend Rosalind came to school and carried out the wedding ceremony. The children took on a role and all enjoyed the special occasion. After the wedding the children enjoyed a piece of wedding cake. Thank you to all the parents for […]

Hall Farm Visit

by | 5 May 2018 | Community, Kingfishers, Trips

The children walked sensibly in pairs up to Hall Farm. They followed instructions and stayed in their pairs, walking slowly across the road when told to do so. They arrived at the farm and were met by the farmer who led them around the farm trail. They looked at the animals and asked questions, listening to […]

Church Visit

by | 5 May 2018 | Kingfishers, News, Religious Education

As part of their topic,  Kingfishers Class went for a walk to the church to find out about different things in the village. The children were  able to follow instructions carefully and were very well behaved as they walked to the church. Reverend Rosalind met them at the church and welcomed them in. Reverend Rosalind asked the […]

Forest Fun

by | 5 May 2018 | Environment, Kingfishers, Science

On Tuesday afternoon the Kingfishers Class participated in Forest Fun session. They had a look by the pond to see if they could see the frogs but could not spot any today. They then looked in the place that they saw them last week but again, could not see them. They decided that they must […]

New Lunches

by | 4 Apr 2018 | Facilities, Kingfishers, Owls, Swans, Woodpeckers

Yesterday, saw the first of the new Pick N Mix choice for school lunches. There was a variety of foods for the children to choose from and those who had the Pick N mix lunch said it was one of the best lunches they’d eaten! Pick N Mix is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays; the […]


by | 4 Apr 2018 | Community, Kingfishers, Science

The children in Kingfishers Class were very excited as Miss Jones had entered them in to a competition to grow the tallest sunflower. The competition is being run by Fillpots Garden Centre. The children got busy planting the seeds. The children will be caring for the sunflower seeds by making sure the pots are in a […]

Forest Fun

by | 4 Apr 2018 | Environment, Kingfishers

This week the children enjoyed their Forest Fun session in the sun. They walked past the pond and decided to take a look. The were happily surprised to find a frog poking his head out of the water! They stood quietly and then another frog poked his head out! The children talked about frog spawn and […]

Phonics Club

by | 4 Apr 2018 | Extracurricular, Kingfishers

The Year One children stayed for the Phonics Club after school to practise their phonics skills. The children had fun using their phonic knowledge to play games, reading real and nonsense words. Great work Kingfishers.  

Egg-cellent Work All Round

by | 3 Mar 2018 | Kingfishers, Owls, PTA, Swans, Woodpeckers

Children in the school were invited to take part in ‘designing an egg’ competition which was organised by the PTA.  There were many entries and Mrs Allum and Miss Jones were tasked with the very difficult task of choosing a winner from each year group. Well done to all the children who entered the competition […]

Amazing Gymnasts

by | 3 Mar 2018 | Kingfishers, Owls, PE, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Friday 23rd March, an Under 7’s team, an Under 9’s team and two Under 11’s teams performed at Westbourne High School. Each team competed against other Suffolk Schools and performed a gymnastics routine to music; there was also some ‘body management’ work.  Mrs Allum spent many hours devising routines, choosing music and training the […]

Traditional Tales

by | 3 Mar 2018 | Curriculum, Kingfishers, School Events

On Friday the children in Kingfishers Class presented their class assembly. The children talked about and showed work linked to their topic called Once Upon A Time. The children read stories, showed story maps, interviewed the Fox and shared the speech bubbles they created for different characters from The Gingerbread Man. The children showed their Moving […]