
New School Council Elected

by | 10 Oct 2015 | Kingfishers, Owls, Swans, Woodpeckers

Our new School Council were recently elected. One of their first decisions was deciding on the ‘Theme’ and ‘Names’ for the ‘House Groups’. It was decided, after much discussion, that the names of the Houses will be ‘Foxes’, ‘Badgers’, ‘Hedgehogs’ and ‘Otters’.

Rugby World Cup Fever Comes to Stratford St Mary

by | 10 Oct 2015 | Owls, Swans, Woodpeckers

The children from Woodpeckers, Owls and Swans, recently had a morning dedicated to Tag Rugby. They took part in lots of different activities and games all linked to Rugby.  A fun time was had by all.  

Mad Hatter’s Tea Party rounds off the term

by | 4 Apr 2015 | Owls, PTA

As an end of term treat, the children enjoyed a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party courtesy of the PTA.

Ducklings a BIG success!

by | 4 Apr 2015 | Kingfishers, Owls, Swans, Woodpeckers

The ducklings have been an immense success with all the children and are now enjoying their moments of freedom on our pond! Catching them at the end of the day has proved very entertaining for anyone watching! Thank you to Mrs Martin for allowing to have them in school these last few weeks.