
Pasta & Polo Mint Mars Rovers

by | 5 May 2021 | Science, Swans

This week the Swans have been engineers. They were involved in a mission from NASA – they were given a budget of 6 million dollars to design a new rover for Mars. First they identified the axles, suspension etc on existing rovers. They then used different types of pasta and polos to create their own. […]

Fluffy Ducklings

by | 5 May 2021 | Environment, Kingfishers

Kingfisher Class visited the school ducklings this week. They showed great interest in them, asking questions and talking about what they looked like and what they were doing. We talked about what the ducklings needed and why they had webbed feet. We talked about where they would be going once they left school and what […]


by | 5 May 2021 | Art & Design, Environment, Kingfishers

This children went and visited the sensory garden which Miss Bailey is creating on the school field. Miss Bailey told the children she would like them to decorate a stone for the pebble river. The children were asked to think of and draw their design first. The children then got busy decorating their stones using […]

Caterpillars and Butterflies

by | 5 May 2021 | Kingfishers, News, Science

The children have been very interested in their caterpillars and are enjoying watching them grow. The children have been observing them and writing an entry in their caterpillar diary. They have been learning about the lifecycle of a butterfly and learning about the different parts of a butterfly. They also created symmetrical butterflies using paint. […]

100 Days Celebration

by | 5 May 2021 | Kingfishers, News

Thursday 29th April, marked Kingfishers 100th day at school and the children came in wearing their 100 themed t – shirts. They also had a very special visitor Sir Captain Tom Moore! The children had lots of challenges to complete in 100 seconds from writing their name to threading Cheerios on to spaghetti! In PE […]

Darts (Maths) Fun!

by | 5 May 2021 | Maths, News, PE, Swans

The swans have been practising their number skills of doubling, trebling, addition, subtraction and multiplication by playing Darts! They had so much fun!  

Big Bang Theory!

by | 4 Apr 2021 | Science, Swans

This week,  the Swans have been learning about The Big Bang Theory. In order to understand this theory of how the universe expanded from one single point (over 13 billion years ago), the children carried out an investigation involving balloons! They recorded data in charts to help them answer scientific questions surrounding this theory.   […]

Crawling Caterpillars

by | 4 Apr 2021 | Kingfishers, Science

Kingfishers received a very special delivery today. It said ‘Fragile Open immediately!’ The children were intrigued to find out what was inside. Mrs Clark opened the box and showed the children the pot. The children recognised them as caterpillars. Mrs Clark told the children that we will be looking after the caterpillars and watching them […]

Ducklings Have Arrived

by | 4 Apr 2021 | Kingfishers, PTA, Science, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Tuesday, 20th April, we took delivery of 6 duck eggs.  They were popped into an incubator and throughout the course of the week, 6 ducklings hatched.   The children have been fascinated by these arrivals and have been following their progress.  One has been called Queenie as ‘she’ arrived on the queens birthday and another […]

Earth Day in the Owls

by | 4 Apr 2021 | Environment, Owls, School Events

To celebrate Earth Day, on 22nd April, the Owls had an off-curriculum day. We began by holding a class assembly where the children were introduced to this year’s theme, which was Restore The Earth. We spent a long time discussing the things that we, personally, could do to help to restore the Earth. We then […]

Rock Pools

by | 4 Apr 2021 | Art & Design, Design Technology, Geography, History, Kingfishers

This half term, the children in Kingfishers Class are thinking about the question ‘ Why do we love to be beside the seaside?’ The children have been looking at seaside towns in the UK. They have been learning about the coming of the railways and the history of the seaside holidays. They have learnt about […]

Slavery and Sewing in Swans

by | 4 Apr 2021 | Design Technology, History, Swans

This term,  the children are learning about Thomas Clarkson and his contribution towards the abolishment of slavery. This week, in Art, the children learnt about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad was a term used for a network of people, homes, and hideouts that slaves in the southern United States used to […]