
Thank you!

by | 11 Nov 2020 | Community, Kingfishers, Owls, Swans, Woodpeckers

Thank you for your contributions towards the 2020 Poppy Appeal. A fantastic £114.31 was raised.

Remembrance @ School

by | 11 Nov 2020 | History, Kingfishers, News, Owls, Swans, Woodpeckers

The children at school created individual poppies which formed part of a display; this was complemented by some black out poetry from the Swans and some paintings completed by the Kingfishers. We all stood outside on the school field at 11am on the 11th November and observed the 2 minutes silence along with the Nation. […]

Harvest Poetry & Prayers

by | 11 Nov 2020 | Religious Education, Woodpeckers

Woodpeckers Class have been discussing the incredible work achieved by farmers and food producers, both here in the UK and around the world. To express our gratitude this harvest, we chose to write either a poem or a prayer on the theme of ‘Thankfulness’. Here is a selection of the work we produced!  

Performance Poetry

by | 10 Oct 2020 | English, Woodpeckers

This term Woodpeckers learned about kennings, an ancient form of poetry originating from the time of the Vikings! We learned and rehearsed a poem along with actions and performed it to our classmates. Kennings are riddles – can you guess what our poem was about?

Home Learning Week 2

by | 4 Apr 2020 | Kingfishers, Owls, Swans, Woodpeckers

It seems like week 2 of home learning was as busy as week 1 – walks, creations, rainbows, running, maths, bug houses and baking amongst other things. Happy holidays everyone!

Home Learning – Week 1

by | 3 Mar 2020 | Kingfishers, Owls, Swans, Woodpeckers

Thank you for all your emails and photos from Week 1 of Home Learning. It seems lots of you have been creative and made rainbows for the window, baked cakes, made fairy gardens and puppets amongst other things;  been active with bike rides (over 20 miles by one child!), joined in with Joe Wicks, running, […]

Investigating the Transportation of Water

by | 3 Mar 2020 | News, Science, Woodpeckers

This half term, the Woodpeckers have been learning about the names and functions of the different parts of a plant (and what they need to grow well). In one of the lessons, they focused on the stem and learnt that its job is to transport water to the leaves. We wanted to find out if […]

Egyptian Death Mask Making in DT

by | 2 Feb 2020 | Art & Design, History, News, Woodpeckers

The Woodpeckers have been creating death masks in DT. The children took inspiration from Tutankhamun’s death mask when designing their own. They created their masks by covering a balloon with paper mache, cutting it in half and attaching a cardboard head dress. The children used paper mache for the nose, and painted on Egyptian makeup […]

Tractor Visit

by | 2 Feb 2020 | Environment, Kingfishers, Owls, Swans, Visitors, Woodpeckers

On Thursday 6th February, as part as the Tractors Into Schools project, we had a visit from local farmer, James Harris, and his tractor. Each class got a chance to look at the tractor, sit inside it and also ask questions. James explained a lot about the sort of work that the tractor does, the […]

Cooking Club

by | 2 Feb 2020 | Design Technology, Extracurricular, Kingfishers, Woodpeckers

The children were ready for their next cooking club session. The children listened carefully to instructions, washed their hands and put an apron on. This week the children made potato salad and jam swirls. They practised their cutting, mixing and spreading skills. Great cooking, we hope they were tasty!  

A Trip To Ipswich Museum

by | 2 Feb 2020 | History, News, Trips, Woodpeckers

On Wednesday 5th February, the Woodpeckers went to Ipswich Museum to take part in an activity day based around the Ancient Egyptians. They got to handle ancient artifacts, try on Egyptian clothing and masks as well as taking part in lots of fun activities. The children enjoyed crawling through the tunnel into the tomb and […]

Mummification Experiment Results!

by | 2 Feb 2020 | History, News, Woodpeckers

Two weeks ago the children took part in an experiment. They wanted to find out if the mummification process actually worked and so they worked in pairs to mummify a tomato. They followed the same mummification steps as the Egyptians would have done with their Pharaohs. They measured the starting weight of the tomatoes before […]