
In Year 6, we have been learning different watercolour techniques. We then tried to use some of the techniques in our iceberg paintings.

On Wednesday 26th March, several children from across the school took part in a gymnastics competition at Hadleigh Stars. We are delighted to announce that our Under 7s team came first; our Under 9s came first and our U11s teams came second and third. Well done to everyone who took part and thank you to […]

This week in English, the Year One children have been focusing on explanations. The children were asked to write an explanation on how Jack got rich based on the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. They wrote cause and effect sentences using ‘because’ and ‘so’ to explain what Jack found out, what he stole and […]

This term in Design and Technology we have been working with textiles and creating our own pouches, we finished these last week and thought it would be fun to explore a variety of textiles further in the forest area. The children enjoyed weaving fabric on the large grid and wrapping wool/string around logs, sticks and […]

Today we used Mrs Harvey’s lemon drizzle cake to help the Year 4s understand equivalent fractions!

In Year 6, the children have been looking at the artists Aurelie Bouquet and David McEown and their paintings of icebergs. They used shading techniques to try and give a sense of form to their work.

The Year One children became Geographers. The children continued focusing on the question – What is life like in the Jungle? The children thought about the enquiry question – Can we identify the locations and features of cloud forests? The children found out all about a cloud forest in Costa Rica. The children were able […]

In Science, the children in Year 6 have been learning that light travels in straight lines. They had to draw scientific diagrams to show their understanding of this and had great fun using the torches to aid their understanding.

In Science, the Owls have been learning how to use classification keys to identify living things. This week, the children had to design their own classification keys that would work to identify invertebrates around the school grounds. We went outside and used pooters to catch specimens and used our classification keys to see if they […]

The children in Year One are learning about Digital Imagery in Computing this half time. Miss Jones introduced the children to the idea of telling a story without words. Miss Jones and the children read the story ‘Flotsam’ together. They discussed why it is important that pictures are in the correct order. The children were […]

The children celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as their favourite book character. The children joined everyone in the hall to see everyone’s costumes and they found out the winners of the book cover competition. The winners were awarded a £5 gift to spend at Dial Lane Bookshop. The children also took part in […]

The children in Kingfishers Class were introduced to their new topic – Let’s go in the jungle. The children received a letter from Cheeky Chimpanzee who was playing hide and seek with some of his other animal friends! The children became animal explorers and all joined in and found Cheeky Chimpanzee and all his friends. […]