Art & Design
Earlier this term the children enjoyed their Art lessons within forest schools; they explored the ceramic artists Ranti Bam and Rachel Whiteread, and looked at their pieces of work and created their own using similar techniques. The children have had a fabulous time sculpturing bugs, pinch pots, patterned clay tiles and finally designed their very […]
On Wednesday 4th December, children from the Owls and Swans class travelled to London. The first stop was the National Gallery and then to the Lyceum Theatre to watch The Lion King Musical. Thank you to all the adults who accompanied us on the trip. A great day was had by all.
In Art the children designed and made a mandala which can be used as a sun catcher. At break time they collected autumn leaves. They used the autumn leaves to create a circular pattern which they tried to make symmetrical. Amazing art work.
The children became ‘artists’ and began focusing on – Drawing. The children thought about the question – Can we explore line and mark making to draw water? The children recapped over last week’s lesson and identified the lines. The children were shown a range of the work of Zaria Forman. The children were asked to […]
The children became ‘artists’ and continued focusing on – Painting and Mixed Media. The children thought about the question – Can you apply your painting skills when working in the style of an artist? Miss Jones showed the children an image of a Clarice Cliff’s Circle Tree plate design. Miss Jones asked the children to […]
The reception children became artists and used ‘loose parts’ to create a collage. The children were encouraged to use the ‘loose parts’ to create fireworks. Great work Kingfishers.
The Reception children became ‘artists’. The children went on a walk to collect natural objects such as feathers, grass, flower buds or heads, leaves, twigs, pine cones. The children looked at the collection and discussed how they might use the objects to create paintbrushes. They also thought about what kind of pattern or texture they […]
The Swans have been writing diaries in role as somebody on board the Titanic. They have also produced some amazing sketches of the ship.
The children in Year One became ‘artists’ and started a new unit of work – Painting and Mixed Media. The children thought about the question – Can we investigate how to mix secondary colours? The children listened to the Sesame Street Lego Three Primary Colours. Miss Jones asked the children some questions- What are the […]
In Art, the Owls looked at the work of the sculptor Magdalene Odundo and how she prepared for her sculptors by drawing in 2D but making it look 3D. We had to draw large shapes, using our whole arm. We used lots of overlapping curved lines in different colours to make our work look 3D.
The Owls had a great first day back at school. We had an immersion day based around our first topic, which is Ancient Greece. We learnt the myth of Perseus and Medusa. We acted out the story and then re-told it as a storyboard. We made our own Greek vine leaf garlands. We even had […]
Some of the Year 6 are enjoying being Tudor weavers! We think they would have been a great asset to Stratford St Mary during Tudor times where clothiers lived in the village and became a prominent contributor to the cloth industry.