Art & Design


by | 5 May 2019 | Art & Design, English, Environment, Kingfishers, Maths

This week the children in Kingfisher Class have been learning about Elmer and getting ready to celebrate his birthday on Friday 24th May. They have learnt about elephants and written a fact file and labelled the different parts of an elephant. They have made their own Elmer’s from recycled milk cartons. They have created Elmer’s  […]

Goodbye Elmer

by | 4 Apr 2019 | Art & Design, Community, Fundraising, Kingfishers, Owls, School Events, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Monday 25th March, we said goodbye to our finished Elmer as he was returned to the Elmer team ready for photographs to be taken for the trail. We have all enjoyed taking part in the decoration of Elmer and are very pleased with how our Elmer looks. We would like to say a big […]


by | 3 Mar 2019 | Art & Design, Community, Fundraising, Woodpeckers

The children in Woodpeckers class had the opportunity to work with Mrs Fisk to decorate Elmer. The children decorated their initial with different patterns and created feathers. The children also painted their own square for the patchwork trees. Great work Woodpeckers.  

Elmer Competition

by | 3 Mar 2019 | Achievements, Art & Design, School Events

During the half term break, the children’s homework was to enter an Elmer Competition to win a £5 voucher to spend at our book fair. The children were asked to design a book cover for Elmer to celebrate his 30th birthday. The children had to make sure it was eye-catching and the design included the […]


by | 2 Feb 2019 | Art & Design, Fundraising, School Events

The painting of Elmer has started. Mrs Fisk has been busy painting the underneath of Elmer, which has been very tricky! The children have also helped Mrs Fisk paint the top of Elmer (blue) to create the sky. It is lovely to see Elmer coming to life.

Elmer Project

by | 1 Jan 2019 | Art & Design, Community, Fundraising, School Events

Mrs Fisk came into school to prepare Elmer ready for his decoration. She cleaned him and primed him with white paint. The children were given the opportunity to see what Mrs Fisk was doing and ask her lots of questions. The children are very excited to be involved in his decoration in the future. Thank […]

Making Shape Sculptures with Marshmallows

by | 1 Jan 2019 | Art & Design, News, Woodpeckers

On Thursday, the Woodpeckers learned about the work of Eva Rothschild. They looked at different sculptures she had made and used her ideas of straight lines and shapes to make their own sculptures. The children used marshmallows and cocktail sticks to create shape sculptures. Some children joined their sculptures together. The children enjoyed the challenge […]

Freudian Portraits

by | 1 Jan 2019 | Art & Design, News, Owls

Owls class have been looking at a range of British Artists and this week the children studied Lucien Freud.  They looked at a range of pictures produced by the artist and specifically at the painting entitled ‘Girl with a Kitten’. The children re-created this portrait using their own choice of media; all of the portraits […]


by | 1 Jan 2019 | Art & Design, Community, Fundraising

This year, Elmer the Elephant will be celebrating his 30th Birthday. As a school we have decided to be part of ‘Elmer’s Big Parade Suffolk’ and help raise money for St Elizabeth Hospice.  We have pledged £750 to have our own sculpture of Elmer and be a part of a big community project. We will […]


by | 1 Jan 2019 | Art & Design, Facilities

During the Forest Fun session the children were given the task of creating a snowflake using natural materials. They discussed what snowflakes looked like, remembering that they have 6 points and that they are translucent. They listened to what they were going to be doing and then put their wellies on ready to head outside. […]

Tricky Sculptures

by | 1 Jan 2019 | Art & Design, News, Woodpeckers

Recently in DT,  the Woodpeckers have been learning about the work of Jill Townsley. They looked at the different sculptures she made using everyday materials and had a go at using the same materials to build their own. They learnt how Jill Townsley used the same items repetitively to create different installations.The children had to […]

Handmade Christmas Decorations Greatly Received By The Care Home.

by | 1 Jan 2019 | Art & Design, Community, News

At the end of last term the children were asked to make a decoration to send in to the residential home where Miss Kluge’s Mum works. The children made some fabulous decorations which were really appreciated by the residents of the care home and by the staff. Thank you very much for you efforts! The residents […]