Over the past couple of weeks, all the children have been set homework to create a Christmas decoration/ picture/ card to give to the patients at West Suffolk Hospital to cheer them up during their stay over the Christmas period. Miss Kluge’s Mum is a Ward Sister at the hospital and will deliver them to the patients. […]
This week was the turn of the Woodpeckers to showcase their work from this half term. They performed the nonsense poem: ‘Hobble, Gobble Wobble’ By Michael Rosen with actions as well as a poem they had learnt about the months and seasons. The children shared their story ideas about unlikely animal friends who teach each other […]
Friday 11th November saw Swans take the first assembly of the half term; they shared some of their amazing ‘flashback’ stories, some of their Mayan history facts and numbers and also explained their multiplication maths work. Well done Swans, you spoke clearly and confidently.
Saturday evening saw us open the school grounds for the annual fireworks event. Hog roast, hot dogs and warm drinks were enjoyed by a record number of people before a spectacular fireworks display lit up the night sky. A huge thank you and well done to the Stratford St Mary Fireworks Committee who organised the event, […]
On Friday afternoon, we welcomed parents and carers to join us for our Harvest assembly. All the classes shared readings, songs, poems and prayers. Thank you for all the donations of food goods which will be donated to the Colchester Food Bank.
October is national Walk to school month and today the parents and children opted for walking to school instead of driving. The children, parents, teachers and staff met at either ends of Strickmere and walked together to school. The JRSO’s made sure the children were walking safely to school. It was lovely to see so many walking to […]
It was the turn of the Kingfishers to take part in their first ever assembly. The children told the audience about the work they had done this half term on the topic of ‘All About Me’. They also talked about Autumn, they showed their pictures of Autumn trees and sang two rhymes about Autumn. The […]
On Friday 30th September, the children had the opportunity of wearing denim to school. We raised £76.00 as a result which will be sent off to the charity. Thank you for your support.
Last week our timetable was dedicated to Healthy Living Week; the children were involved in many different activities. These included our sports day, some Paralympic games, a visit from PC Di and PCSO Denise who talked to the different classes about a variety of things including drug and alcohol awareness & theft, Mr Andrews from Suffolk […]
Many thanks for your kind donations. We raised £75.00 from wearing our favourite footwear to school; the money was sent to Action Aid to our sponsored child – Velonika in Malawi.
Owls Class shared photographs and explained about their recent visit to Trinity Park for the Schools Farm and Country Show. They also showed their research of where Rainforests are in the world and one member of the class played his violin. Well done Owls, a great assembly.
The JRSO’s felt the need to run a scooter ability club as many children bring their scooters to school and need some reminders of how to travel safely. The weather was fine this Friday so Scooter Ability Club took place. Children from Kingfisher and Woodpecker class took part. The JRSO’s did a quick safety check […]