News About Our School
Woodpeckers Learn About Greenhouse Gases.
This term, Woodpeckers class have been learning about the environment. We have learnt about climate change and the effects of greenhouse gases on global warming. We conducted an experiment to see how the greenhouse effect works. We built two Lego houses and put a...
On Wednesday 13th June, 8 Swans represented our school at the Quadkids tournament, held at Northgate High School. The children competed in 4 events; 75m sprint, 600m run, standing long jump and vortex throw. Over 50 schools attended the event; which included an...
Ground Force Weekend
The weekend of June 9th & 10th saw a massive transformation of our grounds. With an army of helpers on Saturday and Sunday, many, many jobs were completed; ivy and shrubs were cut back, fences were cleaned and painted, new lining and bark laid, new plants planted...
Scooter Ability Club
The children in Kingfishers Class were very excited as it was the first Scooter Ability Club. The children listened carefully to the instructions that were given and the safety rules they needed to follow. The JRSOs asked the children questions about how to travel...
Land Art
The children have enjoyed creating natural sculptures in the style of Andy Goldsworthy. The children worked in pairs to gather natural objects for their artwork. The children discussed what they were going to do and worked together to complete their artwork. Great...
Stranger Danger
Denise, the PCSO, came to speak to the Kingfishers about Strangers. They learnt that a stranger is somebody we do not know or trust. They also learnt that they should never go anywhere with a stranger, never take anything from a stranger, never go in a strangers...
Favourite Footwear
The children and Staff took part in wear your favourite footwear to school day on Tuesday 22nd May. There were lots of different footwear from trainers to slippers. The children and staff donated £1 to support the event. We raised over £60 for our Action Aid child....
Walk To School Week
This week, the children and parents have been participating in 'Walk to School Week'. The JRSO's challenged everyone in our school to walk every day during Walk to School Week so we could have a car free zone in Strickmere. Staff provided a 'Walking Bus' from both...
Transport Challenge Afternoon
On Thursday afternoon the children worked with a family member and created a transport model. They planned what they were going to do and what they were going to use. They constructed their model using recycled materials, cutting and sticking. The children wrote a...
Ocean Art
This half term, the Swans have been working on an underwater theme in their Art lessons with Miss Kluge. They have drawn fish in pen and ink,pastel and pencil as well as shell studies and other sea life. The children created sea backgrounds using water colour and...
Royal Wedding Week
This week the children in Kingfishers Class have linked their learning to the 'Royal Wedding'. The children have been very busy as they received three letters from the 'Royal Family'. The Queen asked for the children to write invitations and letters to the guests....
Wedding Dresses
The children in Kingfishers Class were very lucky as they had three visitors to the classroom this week, Mrs Kite, Mrs Allum and Mrs Clark. They had brought in their wedding dresses and photo albums. The children really enjoyed listening to Mrs Kite and Mrs Allum...
Royal Wedding Lunch
On Thursday 17th May, the school held a lunch to celebrate the forthcoming Royal Wedding. Rachel made some cakes, Mrs Martin iced them and taught the Swans how to make flowers using icing, which then decorated the cake. Everyone enjoyed the lunch with Rachel and...
Royal Wedding @ Stratford St Mary
On Wednesday afternoon the children in Kingfisher Class participated in their own 'Royal Wedding' of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Reverend Rosalind came to school and carried out the wedding ceremony. The children took on a role and all enjoyed the special...
Land Art Sculptures
This week in art the Woodpeckers continued their learning on Sculptures and created 'Land Art' by gathering natural materials found in the den building area and working to create their own sculptures. The children had the choice to work alone or together on their...
Woodpecker Sharing Afternoon.
Today the Woodpecker children had the chance to share their learning with parents. They showed their parents the piece of work they were most proud of and read it to them. They also took part in a SATS revision quiz on the Ipads. Children worked with their parents to...
Owls’ Drowning Prevention Training
On Wednesday 9th May, two lifeguards from Hadleigh pool came to deliver a Drowning Prevention training session to the Owls class. The children were taught what the different flags that you see on the beach meant, and practised spotting dangers in various locations....
Treating Water
As part of their Geography topic on Water, on Tuesday 8th May, the Owls did a lesson on treating water. We watched a video about how water from the seas and rivers is treated to be made drinkable. The children were then given cups of dirty water and were asked to take...
Forest Fun
During forest Fun, the children completed a Scavenger Hunt. They searched for insects and different types of wildlife. When they had found them, they ticked them off and did 10 star jumps! The children also went pond dipping. They had a tick list to see what insects...
Measuring Capacity
The children in Woodpecker Class have been trying hard to read the measurements on different types of scale. They have looked at weight, length, height, temperature and liquid capacity using a range of different measures. Today they worked outside to measure...
Kingfishers’ Outside Classroom
Kingfishers Class welcomed Mr Banner from Pentagon Play into their outdoor classroom to do some measuring. We are hoping to secure a grant so we can improve the Kingfishers outside classroom. The children enjoyed finding out about the trundle wheel and how big the...
Hall Farm Visit
The children walked sensibly in pairs up to Hall Farm. They followed instructions and stayed in their pairs, walking slowly across the road when told to do so. They arrived at the farm and were met by the farmer who led them around the farm trail. They looked at the...
Church Visit
As part of their topic, Kingfishers Class went for a walk to the church to find out about different things in the village. The children were able to follow instructions carefully and were very well behaved as they walked to the church. Reverend Rosalind met them at...
Forest Fun
On Tuesday afternoon the Kingfishers Class participated in Forest Fun session. They had a look by the pond to see if they could see the frogs but could not spot any today. They then looked in the place that they saw them last week but again, could not see them. They...