Miss Jones

In January, we were given the opportunity to work towards the My Smile Quality Mark. We felt this was an exciting opportunity as oral health is now part of the EYFS framework. My Smile is a quality mark awarded to settings which fully implement the four My Smile steps to provide a tooth friendly environment […]

Last week, the children became Scientists. This half term the focus of their Science is a Scientist Study looking at the Essential Question – Why do scientists need to look after our seas?. The children thought about the question – What is a Marine Biologist? Who is Rachel Carson? The children listened to Miss Jones […]

The children enjoyed another ‘Forest Fun’ session with Mrs Clark and Mrs Martin. The children got changed into their outside clothes and headed out to the Forest Fun area. The children were joined by the September 2023 Reception children and they accessed all areas of the wildlife area. The session focused on Bees and the […]
The children were very excited about digging up the potatoes and seeing how many they got. The children dug through the soil with their hands collecting the potatoes. The children had to look carefully to make sure they hadn’t left any. The children listened to instructions and were able to clean the potatoes. When the […]

The children in Kingfishers Class celebrated World Ocean Day on Thursday 8th June. The children found the ocean in the classroom with lots of sea creatures and lots of rubbish. The children found out all about World Ocean Day and discussed how they could protect the ocean. The children were asked to design a poster […]

The Year One children became ‘artists’ and started a new unit of work called Landscapes using different Media – The Seaside. The children thought about the question – Can we identify the key features of a landscape? The children were asked to look at the seaside images from different artists. Miss Jones explained they were […]

The children enjoyed another ‘Forest Fun’ session with Mrs Clark and Mrs Martin. The children got changed into their outside clothes and headed out to the Forest Fun area. They went on a bug hunt, looking under logs, in the grass and on the leaves ticking off the bug they found on their checklist. They […]

The children came to school dressed to red, white and blue clothes ready to celebrate King Charles III’s coronation. The children took part in activities focusing on the King’s Coronation. Miss Jones read the children the Little People Big Ideas – King Charles III book. They also looked at some newspaper supplements from the coronation. […]

The children enjoyed another ‘Forest Fun’ session with Mrs Clark and Mrs Martin. The children got changed into their outside clothes and headed out to the Forest Fun area. The children were told that they were going to have a fire today. They talked about the rules for having a fire – don’t walk in […]

The Year One children have been exploring the topic rocket to the moon in Computing. The children were told they were going to learn how to be rocket scientists. They were told they were going to build a rocket using junk modelling materials which they will test out before launching it across the playground and […]

During the week of the 8th of May the children were encouraged to walk to school. Parents parked their cars at the end of Strickmere and walked to school. In the classroom, the teachers displayed a wall chart which showed the class’ participation in Walk to School Week. The children received a sticker each day […]

On Friday afternoon the children found out about Global Citizenship. The children were told the term was used to describe the social, environmental, and economic actions taken by individuals and communities who recognise that every person is a citizen of the world. The children explored why it is important to care for the Earth, the […]