Miss Jones

Today the children in Kingfishers and Woodpeckers class visited Christchurch Mansion. The workshops and activities were based around one of Constable’s paintings, ‘The Mill Stream’. The children used their imagination and creative skills to interpret the painting in different ways within their activities. There was a music and movement workshop where the children used instruments […]

The Kingfishers and Woodpeckers class joined together again to create seasonal trees. The children worked in groups to create a tree. They mixed the paints to make different colours. They painted leaves using their fingerprints. They used this technique to finish their individual tree. The Owls practised mark making using different media. The four media […]

Kingfishers and Woodpeckers Class joined together to do some art based learning about Thomas Gainsborough. They worked in mixed age groups to found out facts about Gainsborough and his work. The children used pencil to do observational drawings of a section of the famous painting called ‘Gainsborough’s Forest’. These drawings will be cut out to create a Reception […]

The children were very excited to ‘dig’ up their potatoes today. The children listened to instructions given to them on which potatoes to keep and which to discard and then they rummaged around the soil looking for potatoes to put into their bowl. They knew to discard the green ones and the small ones and […]

On Thursday after school, children from Key Stage Two joined Miss Jones for Art club. The children were given the task of seeing how they could create a piece of artwork using just lines. The children experimented in drawing lines in a variety of ways using felt tips. The children will be looking at a […]

During the Forest Fun session this week, the children in Kingfishers used their creative skills to create a potion. The children used coloured water to make their potion. They had to think about what their potion could be made of using items from the forest and what their potion could do. The children were given a container […]

Staff, children and parents put on their walking shoes this week and took part in Walk to School Week. The JRSO’s organised the event and the children designed posters to promote it. Staff ran a ‘walking bus’ so children who travel to school in a car could be dropped off and then walk to school. […]

The JRSO’s asked the children to wear their favourite footwear on Wednesday 17th May to raise money for our Action Aid Child (during Walk to School Week). The children wore an assortment of footwear including trainers, sandals and slippers. Thank you very much for all your donations.

The Kingfishers Class took to the stage for their class assembly. The children were confident to stand up, talk and sing to the audience. The children proudly showed their work and talked about what they had learnt. The children talked about their Maths, counting back from 20 with their rockets, counting in 2s, 5s and […]

The JRSO’s decided to run a scooter ability after school club for the children in Kingfisher Class. The JRSO’s felt they wanted to teach the youngest children in school how to travel safely on their scooters, as most of these children scoot to school. The JRSO’s did a safety check on the children’s scooters to make sure they were safe to ride. […]

On Friday 24th March 2017 it was the turn of Kingfishers to show their work in their class assembly. The children were confident to stand up, talk and sing to the audience. The children proudly showed their work and talked about what they had learnt. They talked about pancakes, showing the shopping lists they had written […]

The children were excited for the start of Forest Fun sessions in the schools wildlife area. The children played 123 where are you? And they had to use their listening ears. The children remembered that they had been learning about bugs in class and Miss Jones talked to them about an activity they would be […]