Miss Jones
The children in Kingfisher Class were very excited this week as they accessed the iPads for the first time. The children were able to learn their letters and sounds and practise their handwriting too. They really enjoyed using them and had lots of fun.
The children in Kingfisher Class braved the cold weather today for their first Forest Schools session with Orchard Barns. The children built dens, climbed trees, made mud pies and searched for bugs. The children had lots of fun, learning and exploring in the outside environment. Thank you Orchard Barns for letting us join your Forest Schools sessions.
ABC Pre – school invited the children in Kingfisher Class to see ‘Magic Ian’. Magic Ian was very funny and he did lots of magic tricks. The children in Kingfisher Class could not stop laughing. Thank you ABC Pre – school for inviting us, we had lots of fun.
This week Kingfisher Class have been writing letters to Father Christmas. The Children were able to use their phonic knowledge, word mats and dictionaries to help them spell words. They wrote fantastic letters, telling Father Christmas what they would like and that they had been very good! Miss Jones was so proud of their writing she […]
The JRSO’s attended the speed check with the Community Speed Awareness Team on Wednesday. The JRSO’s wrote down the registration numbers of the cars which went past. They kept an eye on the speed camera to see if the cars were speeding. The JRSOs really enjoyed it and caught two cars speeding!
On Friday 27th November the JRSOs held a Brightness Day. The children and staff came to school in their brightest clothes and raised money for ‘Children in Need’. There were winners from each class including Miss Kluge. There were also winners of the competitions that the JRSO’s arranged.
The JRSO’s trained the children in Woodpecker and Kingfisher Class on how to cross the road correctly. The children really enjoyed using the road and pretending to be cars and pedestrians.
The children in the Kingfisher Class performed their assembly on Friday. The work they showed was on the theme of ‘Ourselves’. They named body parts, they spoke about the visit from Sue Hunter the Dental Nurse, they showed collages of their favourite foods, said the letters sounds of the alphabet and sang the ABC song. […]
Kingfisher Class walked to the village green to conduct a survey of the traffic. The children were very excited and waited patiently for vehicles to go pass, listening carefully. When they saw a vehicle they made a mark on their chart. They saw cars, lorries, vans and buses. When they got back to school the […]
Today the children in the Kingfisher class and their family member took part in the transport challenge afternoon. They designed their vehicle and used lots of recycled materials to create it. When they had finished they had to evaluate their vehicle. The children really enjoyed the afternoon and I think the adults did too! The […]
This week was Anti Bullying week which meant it was a very important week for our Anti Bullying Buddies. On Monday the Buddies led the Whole School Assembly introducing our first ever ‘House’ competition! Each House had the afternoon to design a poster promoting ‘Good Friendships’. It was great to see all Key Stages working […]
The JRSO’s have planned a ‘Brightness Day’ on Friday 27th November 2015 to inform children how important it is to be safe and to be seen, in the winter months. Please encourage your child to come to school in the brightest clothes they have, we are asking for a donation of £1 per child for […]