Miss Jones

This term, the children have been talking about kindness, thoughtfulness, sharing, respect and caring and how these values can become an important part of our daily lives. As a school, we decided to try and spread kindness towards others and asked for some donations for the five gifts of Christmas Appeal. The children were sent […]

On Thursday 14th December the children in Kingfishers and Woodpeckers class were very lucky as they had a story telling session with ‘Tilly the Tale Spinner’. ‘Tilly the Tale Spinner’ told the children lots of Christmas tales. The children interacted and participated in the story telling session. Well done everyone.

The children in Kingfishers Class made Christmas cards for the people in the community. They listened to what they had to do and followed the instructions. The children were asked to use the cork and their finger to make a print. The Christmas cards look lovely and we hope the community like them. Great work […]

The children took part in a wonderful Christmas educational experience at Colchester Zoo! The children were greeted by a festive elf who helped them learn all about penguins. The children observed a real penguin up close to test what they had learned. Father Christmas joined the children to see how much they knew about one […]

The children in Kingfishers and Woodpeckers Class performed The Twinkly Nativity to a packed audience in Stratford St Mary church. The children had lots of fun entertaining the audience with their version of the nativity and were in good voice singing the fun songs. Well done to all of our children – we are very […]
The children joined Miss Jones for another book club session. This week’s story was ‘The Curious Polar Bear’. The children made polar bear biscuits and enjoyed putting a polar bear puzzle back together, which was a bit tricky!!! The polar bear biscuits were delicious!!!!

During the week of Monday 20th – Friday 24th November 2023 the children participated in Road Safety Week. The JRSOs encouraged parents and children to walk to school during this week. On Friday 24th November 2023 the children and staff wore their brightest socks raising money for the Brake charity. The children also entered a […]

The children became artists and created their own snowflakes. Mrs Clark and the children talked about snowflakes and how they are made, the way they look and the fact that they are symmetrical. The children were given three pipe cleaners and asked to lay them on top of each other to create star shape. They […]

The children enjoyed another ‘Forest Schools’ session with Mrs Martin, Mrs Gage and Mrs Clark. The children got changed into their outside clothes and headed out to the Forest Fun area and sat on a log in the log circle. The children listened to Mrs Martin as she explained what they were going to do. […]

This afternoon the children became artists. Today, the children went on a nature hunt to collect leaves, pine cones, tree bark, evergreen stems and other signs of autumn. The children used the items they had collected to create a wreath using a paper plate. The children were encouraged to think about how they were going […]

On Friday 10th November the children were very excited to welcome Stephanie and her birds. Stephanie introduced the children to lots of different types of owls. She told the children about the different owls – Barn Owl, Tawny Owl, Little Owl, Short eared owl, Long eared owl. She told they about where they lived, what […]
This half term the children in Year One, Two and Three have had the opportunity to participate in Book Club with Miss Jones. Miss Jones reads the children a story and then they enjoy doing an activity relating to the book. This weeks story was ‘Sparks in the Sky’. The children made chocolate sparklers and […]