Miss Jones
On Tuesday 3rd October, the children had a visit from Peter a First Responder. He told the children about his role in the community. He told them he attends people who are ill before an ambulance does, as it sometimes takes a long while for an ambulance to arrive. He asked the children if they […]
The children had a visit from PC Kate. She told them all about her job. PC Kate showed the children her uniform and accessories and the children got to try them on. PC Kate and the children discussed how they can keep themselves safe. PC Kate told the children to remind their grown up to […]
The children were very excited to take part in The Great Fire of London Workshop. They listened to instructions and followed them and they were very well behaved. The children constructed a model of London looking at the street names. They learned about the materials, methods of construction and positioning of houses and London Bridge. […]
The children became ‘artists’ and went on a walk to collect natural objects such as feathers, grass, flower buds or heads, leaves, twigs, pine cones. The children looked at the collection and discussed how they might use the objects to create paintbrushes. They also thought about what kind of pattern or texture they will make. […]
The children enjoyed another ‘Forest Schools’ session with Mrs Martin and Miss Jones. The children got changed into their outside clothes and headed out to the Forest Fun area and sat on a log in the log circle. Mrs Martin welcomed the children into the Forest Area and went over the Forest School rules. The […]
The children enjoyed their ‘Forest Schools’ session with Mrs Martin and Miss Jones. The children got changed into their outside clothes and headed out to the Forest Fun area and sat on a log in the log circle. Mrs Martin welcomed the children into the Forest Area and went over the Forest School rules. Mrs […]
Children from Year One and Two joined Miss Jones for games club. The children played a variety games, following the rules and taking turns. Lots of fun!
The children began exploring their new topic for this half term. They were asked to work together to complete two puzzles. The children completed the puzzles and made a picture of ‘The Great Fire of London’ and ‘Samuel Pepys’. The children gave their ideas of what they thought they were. The children watched a clip […]
The JRSOs have achieved the Gold award again following this years hard work. the JRSOs were asked to send their scrapbook via email. The scrapbook informs others of what they had done over the school year to encourage and promote road safety within school. Great work JRSOs we are very proud of your work and […]
This week the children have been exploring the unit Programming Bee Bots in Computing. The children were given three challenges – build a bridge out of bricks for Bee Bot to drive through, make the Bee Bot turn all the way round in a circle without moving off the starting spot and to get Bee […]
The Kingfishers performed their last assembly of the school year. The children were confident to stand up and perform to the audience. The children told the audience about what they enjoy learning at school, read Kingfisher’s Class ABC poem and sang ‘Oh I do like to be beside the seaside’ A great assembly Kingfishers.
The children enjoyed another ‘Forest Fun’ session with Mrs Clark, Mrs Martin and Miss Cousins. The children got changed into their outside clothes and headed out to the Forest Fun area. They accessed some areas of the wildlife area and then headed over to the local woods to play some Forest Fun games. They children […]