Mrs Bilner
On Tuesday 14th June, our year 6 children had the opportunity of sailing at Neptune Sailing School, based at Woolverstone Marina. The children worked in groups of 3, accompanied by an instructor, and spent 2 hours on the water learning how to sail. It was a beautiful day and everyone said they enjoyed it ! […]
This year, the gymnastics festival was held virtually. These children worked with Mrs Allum on some floor and apparatus routines. These were then recorded and sent for judging. Our youngest children came first in their age category and the older teams both came third. Well done children and thank you, Mrs Allum.
On Friday 6th May, 19 children from the Owls and Swans class joined approximately 8000 other children for the Young Voices concert at the O2 in London. It was fantastic to hear all the children singing together and everyone had an amazing time. Our seats were amazing – we were so close to the Orchestra! […]
The Swans have been learning about what Stratford St Mary would have been like in Tudor Times. Last week, we looked at how our village is linked to the Suffolk Wool Towns. We learned about a man called Thomas Mors who was a cloth manufacturer who died in 1500. He gave lots of his money […]
The Swans have been doing observational drawings of feathers to create their English display. They will be using David Almond’s book ‘Skellig’ as a medium for their writing this term.
The Swans have being doing observational drawings of migratory birds. This week we used magnifying glasses to look closely at the colour and texture of the feathers. We then used watercolour paints to paint over our sketches. The children used a variety of drawing media such as biros, sketching pencils and handwriting pens.
Thank you all so much for your generosity towards the 2021 Poppy Appeal. Your contributions raised £169.40 for this worthy charity.
On a very warm, but windy day in late October, 8 children represented the school in a cross country festival at the Royal Hospital School. Everyone did their best and our top girl came in 33rd! Well done to everyone!
On Wednesday 20th October, several from Woodpeckers and Owls took part in the Badminton Festival. They had a great time taking part in all the different activities and thank you to our Year 6 leaders for helping them on the day.
On Thursday 7th October and Thursday 14th October, several children from KS2 took part in an U11 Football tournament at Whitton Sports Centre. They all thoroughly enjoyed the experience; great team spirit was shown and our wonderful girls’ goalkeeper was awarded the fair play award on the day. .
The children made war time thank you cards for The Shed and invitations to a ‘war time tea’ for the elderly in the village! They use watercolours and aged the card with tea!!
The Swans had a fantastic trip to Ipswich Museum where they took part in activities linked to life in WW2. After that, we went to ‘The Shed’ for an evacuee lunch! Whilst we were there, the photographer from the Ipswich Star came and took lots of lovely photos which should appear in an article later […]