
Jam Tarts

by | 2 Feb 2019 | Design Technology, Extracurricular, Kingfishers, Woodpeckers

The children enjoyed taking part in the cooking club session after school. The children were able to listen carefully and follow instructions. The children made jam tarts and white chocolate rice krispie cakes.

School Disco

by | 2 Feb 2019 | Kingfishers, Owls, PTA, Swans, Woodpeckers

Please see below regarding the up-coming School Disco!

Young Voices 2019

by | 2 Feb 2019 | Extracurricular, Owls, Swans

On Tuesday 5th  February, 25 children from Owls and Swans joined approximately 8,550 children from around the region to sing and entertain a packed audience at the O2 in London. The children had been practising the songs since September and it was amazing to hear them join in with other choirs and professionals, as well as […]

Pitta Pizzas

by | 2 Feb 2019 | Design Technology, Extracurricular, Kingfishers, Woodpeckers

The children created their own pitta pizzas in cooking club. They selected the toppings they wanted on their pizzas and got busy cutting, spreading and sprinkling. Great pizzas.

Snowy Stratford

by | 2 Feb 2019 | Environment, Kingfishers

The children were very excited to see the snow! The children put on their wellies, coats, gloves, scarves and hats and headed outside. The children used their senses to describe the snow seeing footprints, white snow, sparkles and hearing crunchy snow. The children explored the snow, enjoyed walking on it, creating patterns and writing their […]

U11 Girls Futsal

by | 1 Jan 2019 | News, PE, Swans, Trips

Several girls from the Swans class were involved in a Futsal competition at Inspire, Ipswich. The girls competed in 3 matches and whilst we didn’t make it to the play-offs, great skill and determination was shown by all. Well done girls!

Computational Thinking @ BT

by | 1 Jan 2019 | Computing, Owls

Our Year 3’s recently had the opportunity to visit BT @ Adastral Park to join approximately 150 other children to take part in a series of workshops all based on ‘Computational Thinking’.  Our children worked individually and in pairs to program Beebots, Lego and Crumble Bots, to work on Scratch and Scratch Junior animation programs […]

Bird Feeders & Birdwatch

by | 1 Jan 2019 | Environment, Kingfishers, News, Science

The children looked at a Powerpoint all about British Birds. The children were able to identify the birds and learnt interesting facts about them. The children were told they were going to take part in the RSPB Birdwatch (next week). The children thought about how they could attract the birds to the wildlife area. The […]

Making Shape Sculptures with Marshmallows

by | 1 Jan 2019 | Art & Design, News, Woodpeckers

On Thursday, the Woodpeckers learned about the work of Eva Rothschild. They looked at different sculptures she had made and used her ideas of straight lines and shapes to make their own sculptures. The children used marshmallows and cocktail sticks to create shape sculptures. Some children joined their sculptures together. The children enjoyed the challenge […]

Freudian Portraits

by | 1 Jan 2019 | Art & Design, News, Owls

Owls class have been looking at a range of British Artists and this week the children studied Lucien Freud.  They looked at a range of pictures produced by the artist and specifically at the painting entitled ‘Girl with a Kitten’. The children re-created this portrait using their own choice of media; all of the portraits […]

Cooking Club – Biscuits

by | 1 Jan 2019 | Design Technology, Extracurricular, Kingfishers, Woodpeckers

The children enjoyed making biscuits this week in cooking club. The children worked together to weigh the ingredients, mix them altogether, roll out the dough and cut the dough into biscuit shapes. Great teamwork and lovely biscuits.

Obstacle Course Building in P.E

by | 1 Jan 2019 | News, PE, Woodpeckers

In PE, the Woodpeckers worked in teams to build their own obstacle courses. The children had to choose objects to put into their obstacle course and think of activities to do with each obstacle to make it challenging for the other teams. They had to work together to create a course which linked together and […]