
Suffolk Show Garden

by | 5 May 2016 | Achievements, Community, Curriculum, Swans

Swans have been busy designing a garden for the Suffolk Show based around the theme ‘A slice of Suffolk history’.  The chosen design featured Boudicca’s trip through Suffolk en route to Colchester. Two children from Swans class and a parent helper joined Mr Wheals to prepare and plant the garden ready for  judging on Wednesday […]

Dodgeball Fun

by | 5 May 2016 | Curriculum, Owls, PE, Swans, Visitors

On Thursday afternoon, our school hosted a Dodgeball Tournament. Shotley and Capel St Mary schools brought 2 teams each of Year 3 & 4 children to join 2 teams from our school.  The children enjoyed three different types of dodgeball games and  played really well both individually and as teams. Thank you to our Year 5 […]

Walk To School Week

by | 5 May 2016 | Classes, Community, Kingfishers, Owls, School Events, Swans, Woodpeckers

The children, parents and staff joined together to participate in ‘Walk to School Week’. The JRSO’s organised the event asking for children and parents to try and walk to school and to make Strickmere a car free zone for the week. Everyday this week staff have been providing a ‘walking bus’ from both ends of Strickmere. The […]

High 5 & Handball

by | 5 May 2016 | Achievements, Extracurricular, Owls, Swans

This week was rather busy for our sports teams.  On Tuesday, 8 Owls class children took part in a handball tournament at Inspire Ipswich.   We didn’t win the tournament, but all the children showed great skill, team work and determination. On Friday 8 children represented our school in the High 5 competition at East Bergholt High […]

Swans Class Assembly

by | 4 Apr 2016 | Achievements, School Events, Swans

On Friday 15th April, it was the Swans Class Assembly. The children read some of the newspaper reports they had been writing, and reported on recent class events, such as biscuit making, Bikeability and the basketball tournament. The highlight was the investigative work that the children had produced for World Maths Day last term. All […]

Ski Lessons Success

by | 4 Apr 2016 | Achievements, Extracurricular, Owls, Swans

Just look at how far the children have come on with their skiing.  After only two half terms of lessons they have the confidence to ski from the top of the big slope. As you can see have so much fun doing it.

Easter Eggstravaganza!

by | 3 Mar 2016 | Classes, Kingfishers, Owls, Parents, School Events, Swans, Woodpeckers

We finished the end of term with an Easter Assembly. Parents, grandparents and friends of the school joined us for songs, poems and readings. Swans retold the Easter story, Owls read some of their own poems, including an Easter rap; Woodpeckers told the story of ‘We’re going on an Easter Egg hunt’ and re-told the […]

Ski Club Reaches New Heights

by | 3 Mar 2016 | Extracurricular, Owls, Swans

Over 20 children took to the slopes for another series of ski lessons. Lots of the children were skiing from the top, some were flying over the ‘moguls’ (bumps), but most importantly all the children learnt new skills and had a fantastic time – and can’t wait for the next set of lessons !

Baking in the Swans

by | 3 Mar 2016 | Swans

As part of our DT work, the Swans designed and made dairy and nut free ginger biscuits. We based our designs around Easter. We also brought in our Maths work on ratio, as we had to double the quantities given in the recipe. The results were delicious!  

Bikeability Success

by | 3 Mar 2016 | Achievements, Curriculum, Swans

7 children from the Swans class were recently involved in a 2-day Bikeability course. They learnt some basic manoeuvres and also how to ride their bike safely on the road, showed an awareness of potential hazards and also demonstrated a basic understanding of the Highway Code. All children passed their Level 2 award. Well done children!

Mother’s Day Lunch

by | 3 Mar 2016 | Classes, Community, Kingfishers, Owls, Parents, School Events, Swans, Woodpeckers

Today children and mums (and grandmums) enjoyed a belated Mother’s Day lunch.  Rachel, the cook, prepared a roast chicken dinner followed by sticky toffee pudding and custard.  There were lots of empty plates and very full tummies! It was lovely seeing so many of you join us for this special lunch.

World Book Day

by | 3 Mar 2016 | Classes, Curriculum, Kingfishers, Owls, Parents, Swans, Woodpeckers

Today the children and staff celebrated World Book Day by coming to school dressed as their favourite book character. The day started with a parade in the playground, looking at the different costumes and characters. The children then took part in different activities in their house groups. Miss Jones provided an activity based on Maths […]