
Scaling the Heights!

by | 2 Feb 2016 | Curriculum, Owls

Over the past half term, Owls Class have been taking part in some very interesting gymnastics lessons. They have used  different pieces of apparatus and worked in small groups to produce some routines. They have shown they understand the safety rules associated with this type of PE and have produced some amazing work. Well done Owls!

Windy Forest Schools

by | 2 Feb 2016 | Community, Curriculum, Facilities, Kingfishers, Parents, Trips

Children in Kingfisher Class got to go on their second session of Forest Schools but this time it was very windy but not cold. The children remembered the Forest Schools rules and followed them. The children worked in groups to make dens and even had their snack in their dens. The children explored the forest, finding […]

Christingle Kindness

by | 1 Jan 2016 | Achievements, Fundraising, Religious Education

Following on from our Christingle Service in December, some of our children collected money  for ‘The Children’s Society’.  One of the girls sold some of her own toys to raise money – well done and thank you for your generosity.

Volcano Magic

by | 1 Jan 2016 | Owls, Parents, Science

It was the turn of the Owls to share their work with the Parents at Friday’s assembly. They showed some photos and explained what they had been doing in gymnastics, shared some amazing writing and showed some work which they were particularly proud of.  However, the highlight of the assembly, had to be ‘Science in […]

Our Weather Diaries

by | 1 Jan 2016 | Curriculum, Facilities, Kingfishers

The children in Kingfisher Class have been recording the weather in their weather diaries this week. They have seen lots of different types of weather including rain, ice, frost, wind and clouds. The children have had the opportunity to observe the weather and record what they saw and heard. They have independently used picture dictionaries and their […]

iPads a Big Hit

by | 1 Jan 2016 | Curriculum, Facilities, Kingfishers, Parents

The children in Kingfisher Class were very excited this week as they accessed the iPads for the first time. The children were able to learn their letters and sounds and practise their handwriting too. They really enjoyed using them and had lots of fun.  

Geography Week in the Swans

by | 1 Jan 2016 | Curriculum, Swans

In the first week back after Christmas, it was Geography Week in the Swans class. The children were learning about the water cycle and rivers. We did lots of practical activities, including making watersheds. The highlight of the week was making V-shaped river valleys out of modroc. We were all really pleased with the final […]

Forest Schools

by | 1 Jan 2016 | Community, Curriculum, Facilities, Kingfishers, Parents, School Events, Trips

The children in Kingfisher Class braved the cold weather today for their first Forest Schools session with Orchard Barns. The children built dens, climbed trees, made mud pies and searched for bugs. The children had lots of fun, learning and exploring in the outside environment. Thank you Orchard Barns for letting us join your Forest Schools sessions.

Let There Be Light!

by | 1 Jan 2016 | Owls, Science

Last week in science, the children were learning about light; about different light sources and reflection. On Friday, we were very lucky that Mr Clark was able to visit and allowed us to experiment with different lighting equipment. This included a ‘mirror ball’, lights and different coloured filters.

Christingle in the Church

by | 12 Dec 2015 | Kingfishers, Owls, Parents, Religious Education, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Friday, all the children went into their ‘Houses’ to create Christingle oranges, with the older ones helping the younger ones put sweets and raisins on cocktail sticks and sticking red tape around the middle. After lunch, the children carried their oranges, which included a glowstick, down to the church.  Rev. Rosalind conducted a service, which the parents joined us […]

Letters to Father Christmas

by | 12 Dec 2015 | Achievements, Curriculum, Kingfishers, Parents

This week Kingfisher Class have been writing letters to Father Christmas. The Children were able to use their phonic knowledge,  word mats and dictionaries to help them spell words. They wrote fantastic letters, telling Father Christmas what they would like and that they had been very good! Miss Jones was so proud of their writing she […]

Kingfisher Class Assembly

by | 11 Nov 2015 | Achievements, Curriculum, Kingfishers, Parents, School Events, Visitors

The children in the Kingfisher Class performed their assembly on Friday. The work they showed was on the theme of ‘Ourselves’.  They named body parts, they spoke about the visit from Sue Hunter the Dental Nurse, they showed collages of their favourite foods, said the letters sounds of the alphabet and sang the ABC song. […]