
Sunflower Competition

by | 5 May 2019 | Community, Kingfishers, Science

Miss Jones entered Kingfishers Class to take part in Fillpots Schools Sunflower Competition. The children were told they were competing to grow the tallest sunflower. The children helped Miss Walker to plant the seeds. Miss Walker read the children the list of things of how best to grow the sunflowers.The children will be caring for […]

Battery Operated Lights

by | 3 Mar 2019 | Design Technology, Owls, Science

This half term, the Owls have been looking at electricity. The children learnt how to wire up electrical circuits that work, and investigated making different kinds of switches. The completed some DT work, designing and making a battery operated light for a particular person. The children were all extremely motivated and applied their learning well. […]

Special Delivery

by | 3 Mar 2019 | Kingfishers, Science

Kingfishers received a very special delivery at the beginning of March. It said ‘Urgent! Open immediately!’ The children were intrigued to find out what was inside. Miss Jones opened the box and showed the children two pots. Miss Jones told the children that we will be looking after the caterpillars and watching them grow and […]

British Science Week 2019

by | 3 Mar 2019 | Computing, Science, Swans, Visits

On Monday 11th March, all of our Year 6’s made the journey to Martlesham to spend the morning at BT Adastral Park for the annual British Science Week. The children spent half the morning looking at ten different showcases demonstrating the latest technology in retail, robotics, security, TV, hospitals and banks. The second half of […]

Umbrella Investigation

by | 2 Feb 2019 | Kingfishers, Science

In Science the children have been investigating different materials and their properties. The children completed an experiment where they investigated which was the best material to make an umbrella from. The children made a prediction, observed carefully and recorded their results. Great experiment Kingfishers.

Bird Feeders & Birdwatch

by | 1 Jan 2019 | Environment, Kingfishers, News, Science

The children looked at a Powerpoint all about British Birds. The children were able to identify the birds and learnt interesting facts about them. The children were told they were going to take part in the RSPB Birdwatch (next week). The children thought about how they could attract the birds to the wildlife area. The […]

Movement of the Moon

by | 11 Nov 2018 | Science, Swans

In Science, we have been looking at all things Space! We have looked at the solar system, astronomers and the Earth and Moon. To finish off the unit, we made models that show the movement of the moon and its path of travel around the Earth.

CSI Friday!

by | 10 Oct 2018 | Science, Swans, Visits

On Friday 12th October, the year 6’s of Swans class ventured out to East Bergholt High School to help solve the mystery of the disappearing watch! The children had to whittle down the suspects by trying their hands at DNA extraction using pineapple juice; blood sampling, where they had to discover who shared the same […]

Magnet Games

by | 9 Sep 2018 | News, Owls, Science

In Science, the Owls have been learning about Forces and Magnets. The children had to work in pairs to design a game that would work using magnetic force. They really enjoyed the task, working well in their pairs and enjoying the chance to demonstrate their scientific knowledge, with some very impressive results.

Forest Fun

by | 9 Sep 2018 | Environment, Facilities, Science

Kingfishers Class enjoyed their first Forest Fun session of the school year. The children looked for signs of Autumn as they walked to the outside classroom. Miss Jones set the children a challenge to work with a partner and to find as many creatures as they could. Miss Jones and Mrs Clark reminded the children to […]

Wildlife Detectives

by | 7 Jul 2018 | Environment, Science

During Forest Fun the children were given the task of being wildlife detectives, exploring the wild area and looking for signs of animals and nature. They also used the bug finders and magnifying glasses to look for bugs. With support they found a woodlouse, a millipede and a beetle and put them in the bug finders […]

Woodpeckers Learn About Greenhouse Gases.

by | 6 Jun 2018 | News, Science, Woodpeckers

This term, Woodpeckers class have been learning about the environment. We have learnt about climate change and the effects of greenhouse gases on global warming. We conducted an experiment to see how the greenhouse effect works. We built two Lego houses and put a block of ice inside each. We then put the houses in […]