News About Our School

Amazing Author

Amazing Author

On Tuesday 14th January,  the children welcomed James Campbell into school. James told the children he was an author, storyteller and a comedian. He told the children lots of poems with actions and the children joined in. James also told the children the Umbrella...

Making Mummies!

Making Mummies!

This half term, the children in Woodpeckers class are learning about the Ancient Egyptians.  Last week they were learning all about the mummification process and got to turn some of their class mates into mummies! They worked in teams and used rolls of tissue and...

Snowmen and Snowflakes

Snowmen and Snowflakes

The children were given the task of creating a snowflake or a snowman using natural materials. They discussed what snowmen and snowflakes looked like, remembering that snowflakes have 6 points and that they are translucent. They worked in groups and explored the field...

Solids, Liquids and Gases

Solids, Liquids and Gases

This week. in Science, the Owls started a new topic on States of Matter. They learnt that there are three states of matter: solids, liquids and gases. Firstly, the children worked in groups to sort different items according to whether they were solids, liquids or...

Cooking Club

Cooking Club

The children were very excited as it was the first Cooking Club session. The children listened carefully to instructions, washed their hands and put an apron on. The children made cheese swirls and melted snowmen biscuits. We hope you enjoyed eating them! [gallery...

Experimenting with Switches

Experimenting with Switches

As part of our whole school topic on Fire, the Owls are combining their Science and DT learning to design and make a fire alarm. We began the project by discussing the different types of switches that we can find. On Friday, the children worked together to solve a...

Futsal Frenzy!

Futsal Frenzy!

In this half term, children in the Swans, Owls and Woodpeckers class had the chance to participate in three events - U11 Boys Futsal, U9 Boys Futsal and U9 Girls Futsal, all held at Inspire Suffolk in Ipswich. It was fantastic to see children who do not usually like...

Carols in the Church

Carols in the Church

On Thursday 12th December, the Owls and Swans entertained parents, grandparents, friends and members of the local community at Stratford St Mary church.  The children sang carols & songs, read poems and some passages from the bible, performed a little sketch and...

Community Spirit

Community Spirit

The community of Stratford St Mary recently joined together to bring some festive cheer to others. The families of the school, the local community, the parishioners of the churches and the Hall Farm Shop & Restaurant community bought Christmas gifts which were...

Cycle of Good

Cycle of Good

The JRSOs walked to the Post Office with a parcel full of used inner tubes. The JRSOs had asked parents and the community to recycle their used inner tubes. The JRSOs sent the parcel to Cycle of Good. Cycle of Good will up-cycle the inner tubes and create new...

Christmas Elves

Christmas Elves

The Christmas Elves arrived in Kingfishers Class at the beginning of December and have been very busy! The children have found Jingle and Tinsel playing with their toys, making a trainer train, creating a photo booth and growing chocolate Santas from magic seeds....

Fire Fire!

Fire Fire!

It was the turn of the Kingfishers to perform their first assembly of the school year. The children were confident to stand up and talk to the audience. The children proudly talked about what they had been learning about - The Great Fire of London. The children also...

Woodpeckers Class Assembly

On Friday 6th December it was the turn of the Woodpeckers to share their learning from the half term. They used their assembly to tell the story of The Gunpowder Plot. Each stage of the plot was explained by a child who read a part of their recount. Then this was...

The Impact of the Railways

For our History topic this half term, the Owls have been learning about steam railways. On Tuesday 19th November, we learnt about the impact that the steam railways had on Britain. Firstly, the children had to sort statements about the effects of the railways into...

Road Safety Week

Road Safety Week

The children, parents and staff enjoyed participating in Road Safety Week which took place during the week Monday 18th - Friday 22nd November 2019. The JRSOs asked the children to 'Walk to School' and staff provided walking buses allowing parents to drop their...

Tudor House

Tudor House

The children became designers and designed their own Tudor house. The children looked at images of different Tudor houses and thought about what they looked liked and the features they had. The children used the information to design their own Tudor house. They drew a...

A Mysterious Letter

A Mysterious Letter

The Woodpeckers have been comparing objects from the past in their History lessons (whilst learning about The Gun Powder Plot). The children have been comparing how we would send messages to somebody now, and how they would have been delivered in 1605. They learnt...

Anti-Bullying Week 2019. Celebrating Difference.

Anti-Bullying Week 2019. Celebrating Difference.

The theme for Anti-Bullying Week this year is 'Change Starts With Us'. The children have taken part in assemblies across the week and discussed how we can all make small changes to the way we behave towards people we perceive as 'different' in order to celebrate...

U11 Table Tennis Tournament

U11 Table Tennis Tournament

Recently, eight children from Swans class took part in an U11 Table Tennis Tournament, held at St Joseph's College in Ipswich. Our children competed against three other schools containing 'A' and 'B' teams: Morland, Cliff Lane and St Pancras. Each child played at...

Elmer Returns

Elmer Returns

Our Elmer 'Swanning around in Constable Country' has been returned to us after his stay in Christchurch Mansion. Elmer's new home is in the school library. It's great to have Elmer back and for him to be part of our school again.

Museum of East Anglian Life

Museum of East Anglian Life

On Thursday 7th November Kingfisher Class went on their trip to the Museum of East Anglian Life. The children were very excited when they saw they were travelling on a double decker coach. The children took part in their learning session. The children listened...

The Sun Free Books For School

The Sun Free Books For School

The Sun is offering primary schools the chance to claim a set of free Collins Big Cat books worth over £600. We have registered our school to take part and we need your help to claim this great offer. We need to collect 3,500 tokens which will be printed in The Sun...

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