News About Our School

Bike Week

Bike Week

The JRSOs encouraged the children to take part in Bike to School Week which was held from 10th – 14th June 2019. Despite the weather lots of children took the challenge and came to school on their bike or scooter. Thank you to all the children who took part. [gallery...

Elmers On Parade

Elmers On Parade

Elmer's Big Parade Suffolk trail went live this weekend (Saturday 15th June 2019)! There are 55 Elmer sculptures out in Ipswich as well as 84 young Elmers. Our Elmer - 'Swanning Around in Constable Country' is in the Mansion Herd (Christchurch Mansion). Try and go and...

Scooter Ability Club

Scooter Ability Club

The children were very excited as it was the first Scooter Ability Club. The children listened carefully to the instructions that were given and the safety rules they needed to follow. The children took it in turns to scoot in a straight line pushing with their foot...

Father’s Day Lunch

Father’s Day Lunch

On Wednesday 12th June 2019, we welcomed over 60 dads, grandads and special people for our annual Father’s day lunch. Rachel and Georgia prepared a delicious roast dinner, followed by flapjack and custard, which was enjoyed by all. Thank you dads (grandads and special...

Scooter Club

Scooter Club

The rain didn’t stop us, we still had fun at scooter club! We practised crossing the road using the zebra crossing. We practised weaving in and out of cones pretending we were on our scooters. We did brave the rain for a while and had a go on our scooters. Well done...



The children were very excited about digging up the potatoes and seeing how many they got. The children dug through the soil with their hands collecting the potatoes. The children had to look carefully to make sure they hadn’t left any. With support the children were...

Archaeology Club

This half term, Mrs Marshall is running a lunchtime Archaeology club for children in Owls and Swans classes. Over the last two weeks, the children had to work together to chip dinosaur bones out of rock. It was very difficult, and took them a long time. Once all the...

Pyjamarama Day

Pyjamarama Day

On Friday 7th June  the children (and adults) came to school in their pyjamas to celebrate Pyjamarama day donating 50p to the BookTrust charity. The children enjoyed a range of activities and enjoyed having stories read to them by different adults. We raised over £60...

Stratford’s Sports Update

Stratford’s Sports Update

May was a great month at Stratford St Mary School for Sport and PE. In the two sporting competitions, U11 Swimming and U11 Netball, we achieved 6th place in both events, with 12 teams competing altogether in the Swimming and 16 teams in the Netball. A huge well done...

Outdoor Classroom Day

Outdoor Classroom Day

On Thursday 23rd May it was 'Outdoor Classroom Day'. The children in Kingfishers Class spent the afternoon outside celebrating 'Outdoor Classroom Day'. The children were tasked with creating their own Elmer's from objects in the outside area. The children worked in...

National Walk to School Week

National Walk to School Week

During the week of the 20th of May the children were encouraged to walk to school. The teachers provided walking buses form each end of Strickmere, which meant less cars outside the school gates. Thank you to everyone who participated in walk to school week (even in...



This week the children in Kingfisher Class have been learning about Elmer and getting ready to celebrate his birthday on Friday 24th May. They have learnt about elephants and written a fact file and labelled the different parts of an elephant. They have made their own...

Elmer’s 30th Birthday

Elmer’s 30th Birthday

On Friday 24th May the children and teachers celebrated Elmer's 30th Birthday. The children and teachers came to school wearing their favourite colours on their clothes and donate £1 towards our 'Elmer Project'. The children helped decorate Elmer in different coloured...

A Top Secret Surprise!

A Top Secret Surprise!

The Woodpeckers have been training to become secret agents! They had to complete a series of Secret Agent Training Sessions (SATS) to become secret learning agents and have enjoyed their secret missions! Today, as the children had finished their missions, a letter...

Suffolk Show

Suffolk Show

Our Elmer 'Swanning around Stratford' will be at the Suffolk Show on Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th May 2019. If you are going, make sure you pop in and have a look at all of the young Elmer's on display. They will be on Stand 247 (blue). You will also be able to...

Owls Shared Learning Session

Owls Shared Learning Session

On Thursday 16th May, many of the parents of Owls class came in for a shared learning session. In Science, the children have been working on the topic of Sound and had been looking at high and low sounds and how they are made. With the help of their parents, the...

Making Smoothies

Making Smoothies

This half term, the Owls have a DT topic of Edible Garden. We have been learning about where certain types of food come from, how they are grown, why they are good for us and how to cook with them. Most recently, we have been learning all about strawberries. On...

Fun Fractions

Fun Fractions

This week the Year One children have been learning about fractions. The children became builders at the Primary Building Company. They were challenged to find half of a quantity. They had to weigh cubes (bricks), measure the wool (wood) and measure the water (for the...

Perfect Pasta Salad!

Perfect Pasta Salad!

This half term, the Woodpeckers have been learning about healthy diets. They have learnt about where food comes from and how to have a balanced diet. They designed their own healthy pasta salads and thought about the ingredients that they would like to use. The...

Sorting Shapes with Swans

Sorting Shapes with Swans

In Maths, Year 5 have been looking at properties of 2D and 3D shapes. We sorted lots of different regular and irregular shapes by their properties, such as number of sides, faces, angles and many more! The children had to decide on the categories for their Venn...

Awesome Angles!

Awesome Angles!

Recently, we have been learning all about angles! The Swans had to find, measure and describe all of the acute, obtuse and reflex angles that were on their table. The children also completed the challenge of finding alternate, corresponding and vertically opposite...

Woodpeckers Sharing Afternoon

Woodpeckers Sharing Afternoon

Recently, the Woodpeckers shared their learning of position and direction with their parents. They have been learning about quarter, half, three quarter and full turns; going clockwise and anti-clockwise. Some children used the Ipads to programme the beebots to reach...

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