News About Our School

School puts the fun back into reading

Stratford St Mary Primary School are putting a love of literacy at the heart of their learning agenda with the unveiling of a brand new school library. Stratford St Mary Primary School are today unveiling a brand new school library in a bold move that will put the fun...

Hansel and Gretel Opera

Hansel and Gretel Opera

On Thursday 12th February, I was fortunate enough to be able to join the Swans Class to watch the performance of Hansel and Gretel at the Mercury Theatre. It was an amazing experience and our children performing in the chorus were fantastic! Well done to you all. Our...

Stratford St Mary on Radio Suffolk

The interview and singing of our choir from the Swans Class was on Radio Suffolk this morning, at 9am – if you missed it, it is still available for the next 29 days: Choose the Radio Suffolk website, the presenter Etholle George and then ‘listen again’ – the interview...

New Library Grand Opening

New Library Grand Opening

Thank you to everyone who attended our ‘Grand Opening’ today —what a wonderful afternoon! All of our children were issued with a brand new library book to take home and read. We are very grateful to our honoured guests who came to celebrate all the hardwork and...

Spectacular Fireworks

Spectacular Fireworks

A huge big thank you to all the members of the PTA and their partners who organised and ran the most successful firework evening! The whole event was extremely well organised and very enjoyable and I believe over 700 people came to enjoy!! The food was excellent, the...

Did you know how well we are doing?!

Data alone can never tell the whole story, but we have much to celebrate! I would just like to share with you a few of the highlights of our school with regard to data. As you already know, we have been highly commended by the Local Authority for the achievement of...

Ipswich Town Football Season Tickets Auction

Thank you to everyone who put in a bid for the season tickets—I am thrilled to say that Mr. Bloomfield purchased them for an amazingly generous amount, with the money going towards the library fundraising. In addition to this generosity, Mr. Bloomfield has said that...

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